Category: rest in peace

Change is a Faithful Bringer of Joy

Change is a faithful bringer of joy, but first it makes you miserable.

Or not!

December is a Month of Completion and January a Month of New Beginnings

New Beginnings and Endings. Hello energy shifts!

We evolve as souls through transformation.

Day to night. Autumn to Winter. Embracing new love and/or letting go of old loves. Job Promotions. Moves. There are countless transitions that are cause for pause.

We know it is natural… these transitions; and yet we want to hold on to the old.

The power is in letting go.

I’m from the land of 10,000 lakes. The barometric pressure changes frequently in Minnesota as the wind blows in the tremendous shifts in temperature. My sinuses are often screaming at me, the pressure is so great.

Change on many levels can be painful.

Change is also faithfully a bringer of joy.

On that note…

2023 is sure to be a big year. The number 23 in numerology is a master number. This means it can help create great change in your favor. The number 23 is the most powerful of numbers, it is The ROYAL STAR of The Lion and its energy radiates freedom. It is about balance, harmony and intuition.

Your intuition is the voice of your soul. Your soul is wise and will lead you toward your greatest power and your brightest light.

Your light will lead you to connect with people in 2023. Connection is powerful. It is an act of love that protects you mind, body and spirit. It’s good for your soul and it’s good for our planet.

Take Action in 2023

*Pay regular attention to your gut. Remember to follow your heart, trust your gut and use your head. When you experience an intuitive lead, check in with your heart, gut (intuition) and head. If all three are in alignment, you are good to go.

*Filtrate your thoughts. Do you carry beliefs that no longer resonate with you? Purge them from your mind by acknowledging this and open your mind and heart to a new way of thinking. This lets the light in.

*Your place in the world, the way we THINK about our LIFE is shifting. Is there something about the way you interact with the world that no longer serves you? This pertains to your place in the world in regards, for example, to relationships, money, adventure and more. Agree to be aware of HOW you interact with the world and it is sure to change for the better because the very action promotes harmony.

Do your words match your energy? When you are in a place of peace and your words match your energy, things flow naturally.

More about transitions… I’m experiencing some in my work as an Intuitive Coach.

I love my work and doing individual readings has been a huge part of it for over 40 years! Demand for individual readings, both corporate and personal has grown significantly and as much as I want to help, there is truly not enough time in a week to meet the growing number of requests.

This has been a blessing and a heartbreak because I love what I do so much so that I ignored the intuitive nudges I was receiving for a long while until I could ignore them no more. The nudges were all about morphing into a different work model and helping greater numbers of people.

At this time, I am transitioning and TEMPORARILY moving away from private individual readings and doing more large group events.

In an effort to accommodate more people we are rolling out exciting new offerings in 2023! They include classes and more virtual and in-person events. These events regularly include opportunities to be read!

Thank you for reading this and for sharing your beautiful energy. May faith and poise accompany you as you move steadily through the transitions that deepen the colors of your soul. 

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!


-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

From The ‘Woo Woo’ To The Corporate, From Mainstream To Those Who Swim Only Upstream, Intuition Is For Everyone!

This post was originally published a few years back when I wrote for Savvy Magazine. I decided to re-post because I love answering intuition-related questions. In the next weeks I plan on answering a few of yours on this blog!

Curls and pearls Jodi


I will be choosing questions that everyone can relate to such as:

-Since my father died, my refrigerator light goes off on the anniversary of his death. Is this a sign from him or some freak coincidence?”

-How can I know the difference between my intuition and my ego?

-Ever since my older brother died two years ago, when I first meet people, I start to get all kinds of information about them. It is not like I’m looking, I don’t want to know this stuff. Can I stop it?

Here is how to ask your question!

-Follow my blog.

-Click on this link and send a short question that everyone can relate to. Please keep in mind that this is not a venue for a reading…It IS a great one for Q&A!

-We (my amazing staff & I) will chose one or two questions and I will answer them in my next new blog post.

-If all goes well, I’ll answer questions at least once a month on this blog.

-Unanswered questions will be released to the Universe.

-And just so you know, the answer to the first example question above is …The light going off in the fridge is a loving sign from your father in-spirit!  Keep reading for answers to the other example questions!

-And also just so you know, you are a divinely loved child of the Universe and are connected to the Light of Lights. So feel free to SHINE!


(This was originally posted some time ago)

For the past several months, I’ve been writing a Q&A column about the intuitive process for Savvy Magazine ( We have had some wild and inquisitive inquiries and we love them all! Questions have come in about ghosts, how to deal with intuitive kids, dying parents, and co-workers with negative energy. Additionally, we have also had some heartfelt questions about instincts and tragedy as well as how intuition can help those who compete in athletics.

From the ‘woo woo’ to the corporate, from mainstream to those who swim only upstream, Intuition is for everyone!

Are you a seeker? Are you sensitive to life’s nuances? Have you found that when you are in the rhythm and flow of life, receptive to and in line with all of your senses, everything flows more naturally? And of course, when you feel unaligned, do the small bumps you classically avoid become boulders? Do you wish to learn how to consciously navigate your way back into a better space? You intuition can be an enormous help! If you wish to learn more, there are a number of great avenues to take! For instance, you can read about it and watch intuition-friendly shows such as Twin Cities Live!  And of course there are amazing events  designed to help boost your intuitive knowledge! Google your greatest desire and be open to the light!


Jodi Livon, author of The Happy Medium, intuitive coach and resident psychic at Twin Cities Live, says everyone is intuitive.

Each month readers ask Livon about their questions around intuition and all things supernatural. In this month’s edition, readers ask about discerning intuition from ego, intuitive boundaries and dealing with negative people.

How can I know the difference between my intuition and my ego?

Great question. Our Intuition speaks to us through a still quiet voice from within. It’s that inner knowing, that internal nudge that leads us to the right place at the right time. Our intuitive voice is calm and never puts us down or seems angry. On the other hand, our ego acts out of fear and often encourages us to assume and act out of selfishness. When we do so, our egos inflate while our intellect and spirit are diminished. As a result, our intuition naturally shuts down. If we center ourselves we can return to a blissful neutral, and reopen our heart and mind. The flow of psychic data is now liberated and able to reach the conscious mind at a more rapid speed. To do this work justice, we must stay tuned to the higher self and give the ego, which can act as a loaded gun, time off.

Ever since my older brother died two years ago, when I first meet people, I start to get all kinds of information about them. It is not like I’m looking, I don’t want to know this stuff. Can I stop it?

You can keep the flow of information from feeling as though it is bombarding you but it takes some real work. The grief you experienced over the loss of your brother opened you up intuitively; this is not at all uncommon. There are practices that can help you heal and become better at controlling when and how information presents itself so you will no longer feel so flooded. The most effective is through physical exercise. This will help you feel connected to the earth and gain a strong presence of being. As a result, your personal borders (aka boundaries) are strengthened. Another practice is to simply, firmly, and politely say, no when information begins to roll in. It works. Turn your attention to a picture in your mind that brings you peace and re-ground yourself.

I work with someone who has nothing nice to say to or about anyone. He sits near me and I have a terrible time feeling productive because his complaining tires me out. Is there something I can do to block his bad mood?

Our thoughts offer a platform from which to view our world. When we are in a dark mood, darkness finds us. It sounds like your co-worker is caught in it, and there is much you can do to block it. First, exercise compassion for him; he clearly is in pain. Next, turn up your personal level of positive energy. There is always something upbeat to think and say. Look around your space and acknowledge seven things that you are grateful for. Silently say something appreciative about them. When you do so, the mood-altering effects are astounding. Everything flows with extra ease when positive energy is infused in it. Maintaining affirmative thoughts can shift dark energy to light.

Thank you for reading my blog and don’t forget to follow it! 

when I stopped to take a breath

I’m the author of THE HAPPY MEDIUM book series!

Both books

Stay comfy and stay on your sofa! I am online and on TV!

Twin Cities Live August 14th!

Zoom Into Your Light: Get To Know Your Divinely Guided Spirit Team! September 17th!

Mantz and Mitchell KKNW Radio August 8th!
-Twin Cities Live July 17th  Reduce Stress for Your Senses!
-Twin Cities Live July 24thWatch, Read, Listen!
-Check out my July North Dakota Today segment!
-New Mini-Podcast The Happy Medium’s B 12 Shot for the Soul!
I’m the Resident Psychic on the happiest television show airing in the Midwest, Twin Cities Live! Check out my latest segments! I’m back on the show August 14th!
-Free Intuition-boosting downloads 
-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter
-Free Grounding Technique Mini-Podcast!
-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Your Divinely Guided Spirit Team

The light that is you re-run

We are all loved and divinely protected children of the Universe. The Universe in all its wisdom has our back.

This post was updated May 14th, 2022.

The Universe has your back and demonstrates it in so many warm and wonderful ways. As you begin to take notice of how, your consciousness is raised. Small coincidences bring you joy and you can feel the divine energy embrace you from the inside out.

Your energy is ignited.

You radiate positive energy.

Everything and everyone radiates energy.

Including numbers.


Numbers, symbols, and signs are in our lives for a reason—they are one example of how our guides and loved ones communicate with us through the language of intuition. They help light up the messages our higher soul-selves crave. Guides, angels, hunches, and even hugs do the same!

Pay attention to the numbers that appear in your life, you may notice a pattern. If you see the number three frequently throughout your day, do a little research and find out what the number means numerologically speaking. 

When you learn that three is associated with the vibration of creative self-expression, manifestation, and abundance, it may give you the additional confidence necessary for you to pursue your creative endeavors. 

It’s fun to research the meaning behind the numbers of the current year for a little heads up of what may occur!

For example…Two is associated with cooperation, harmony, and relationship. Think Equilibrium.

Zero is associated with all that is. It adds great power to any number.

The number twenty is associate with healing, balance, teamwork, diplomacy, relationships and finding harmony.

Know that there are zillions of lovely descriptions for every number. I believe when it comes to numerology, or perhaps when it comes to anything, it is wise to choose the meaning that resonates and brings us peace.

For more information about numbers, symbols and signs, check out The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition

Numerology is a wonderful tool that can help us reach more clarity.  It can add insight to where we are and where we are headed.

Another source of clarity is our Divinely Guided Spirit Team. 

Divinely Guided Spirit Team

I shine my light re-run

I’m not one for cliques but I do like to be a part of a team. Most especially when things are, shall we say a bit quirky. Did you know we all have a divinely guided spirit team? It’s a team put together just for us.

Team members include our guides, angels, the Universe of course and us. Yes, the higher-knowing side of us is part of our Divinely guided team. When we are in the flow, feeling good and loving, we are connected to our higher-knowing self. We know we are worthy of being on our own team.

In this space we are aware that we are all loved beyond words and are part of something divine.

Here’s a little more about how this works.

When a medium says, We are never really alone most people think we are referring to deceased-loved-ones and their frequent visits. Our loved-ones on the-other-side indeed do pop in and add support but they have an abundance of fun things to do at their ghostly fingertips so they are actually not always near by. They stand behind us energetically-speaking so are in so many ways, part of our team. 

The popular phrase, “We are never really alone.” refers to the ongoing presence of our light-filled Divinely Guided Team.  They communicate with us telepathically and through our feelings, that is to say through the language of our intuition. So trust those hunches, gut feelings, and angel bumps!

A fabulous rule of thumb to live by is: Trust your gut, follow your heart and use your head.

Follow your heart rerun

Isn’t it nice to know that we are surrounded by light? The light is made stronger by our own soul light. It is especially wonderful to know we have help from beyond.

the-voice-of-your-intuition-is-always-soothing-discerning RERUN

So about those guides…

Me and my guides are pretty tight. How about you and yours?

“Each of us has one senior guide who has been with us
throughout many lifetimes. Guides are multifaceted. They
stand beside us in all that we do, giving us the space to learn
and earn a higher place of consciousness. Our spirit guides have
paid their karmic debt in full before they are appointed to us.
Our guide’s core job is to alight our paths.
As we move through our years, junior guides emerge based
on our life choices. A junior guide may be a specialist in an
area that we have chosen to move toward.” Excerpt from
The Happy Medium: Awakening to Your Natural Intuition.

The voice of our guides sounds the same as the voice we hear when we read silently to ourselves.

Guides will never criticize or critique. They can nudge and encourage but they do not shame.

To view a Short YouTube video about communicating with your Guides and Angels, Click Here.


guardian-angels-are-like-divine-body-guards-they-fortify-us (2)

I refer here to Guardian Angels. There are also angels of high rank called Archangels.  The four I am most familiar with are: Michael, Gabriel, Uriel and Raphael. They are sublime and I will blog about them another time.

We each have one or more Guardian Angel around us. The general consensus seems to be two with the possibility of more.

Angels are divine beings of pure light sent to help us connect with our higher-knowing-self and our life path. It is my understanding that angels are not of human lineage and appear only when invited.

Angels are divine healers and come forth in a number of ways including as beams of light. They also materialize as humans and perform great acts of kindness and then vanish.

The light is calling rerun

They are Divine body guards and help protect us and bring messages of light. They fortify us and help turn us toward our greatest light. They illuminate truth and give us strength. Our Guardian Angels never leave us, even in death.

Call upon your guides & angels often and feel their warm glow from within. You are worthy!

Artist Jacque Rosenau



I’m the Resident Psychic on the happiest television show airing in the Midwest, Twin Cities Live! Check out my latest segments! 

-Free Intuition-boosting downloads 
-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter
-Free Grounding Technique Mini-Podcast!
-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!
Both books
I’m the author of THE HAPPY MEDIUM book series!
© 2020 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |   The Happy Medium ®

How to Re-Juice Even When Life Events Put The Squeeze On You


Stacy I will miss you forever

I could use a motion sickness pill as a result of all the wild ups and downs of the past seven days!

Have the past days felt big to you as well?

I was looking forward to the week of December 2nd, especially to being on Twin Cities Live and shining my intuitive light on TV!

The week started with my youngest coming down with a flu bug that really brought her down. 

My Intuitive Coach clients on Monday and Tuesday were especially amazing and that lifted me up. 

And then in a blur…There was the relief and delight of a planned surgery going well…and then a health scare for me, and next two very dear friends became dangerously ill … One of them didn’t make it.

My friend Stacy had a body that was frail but man she was made of steel.

My family loved her dearly and always considered her to be part of ours. She was a beautiful, fun loving, exuberant woman with a heart of pure honey.

Friendships don’t end with death because love never dies. I could talk about, and blog about her amazing spirit for days but that is not what this post is about. 

stacy fill your life

It is about remembering how to re-juice even when life events put the squeeze on us.

It’s about knowing that we are enough. And tuning in and feeling our light so we can step up to the proverbial plate, and do what it is we came here to do.

In this space we see that our passion for whatever it is we are doing is proof that at the plate we stand. 

Stacy post 2

My biggest passion resides in being a mom.

I love being part of my children’s lives and for our family, that has always included -no matter the weather- sitting in the stands watching them throw, catch, kick or hit a ball. Or as was the case this past Saturday, watching our daughter glide gracefully across the floor in dance.

Having just learned of our friend’s death, we left the meet immediately after her team performed so I could curl up on my living room sofa and cry.  

I needed the comfort of my home. 

The medium in me waited patiently and quietly as I mourned.

car wash quote

My son Aaron was home recovering from shoulder surgery and when he heard me say, “I hope she wasn’t scared.” He said “Mom, anyone who knows you and has heard you talk about the other side wouldn’t be scared .”

Something in his words struck a chord and the medium in me stepped back in. 

Stacy my friend I will miss you forever. I recall now that I have only to remember how you touched my heart to find you.

Stacy post

What TO DO When You Feel Blue

-Know that it is all right to feel the way you feel

-Know that it is also all right to improve the way you feel by changing your thoughts

-Find a memory or a photo that brings you joy

-Close your eyes and say your full name to yourself

-Drop your shoulders so they no longer feel like earrings

-Inhale for a count of seven…exhale for a count of seven, seven times 

-Feel the memory 

-Inhale the joy

-Exhale exhale exhale 

-Inhale, exhale and release

-Breathe some light into your heart

-Allow the love in the moment to come alive within you 

-Know that the way you feel about the memory will be with you always

-The love in a moment lives forever

-Inhale, Exhale, and Release. Know that you are enough!


Live what you love and what you love will fill your life!

Dawn Stacy and me

Fun round of Rapid Readings on Twin Cities Live!

Best shot Dec 2019 TCL

We did a spectacular segment on Twin Cities Live about living with more intention this Holiday Season!


Me doing my own tease


-I was interviewed by Jim Harold!

-Free Intuition-boosting downloads

Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter

–Free Mini-Podcast!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!


-We have inspirational merchandise  available for Holiday gift giving including The Happy Medium book series

Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

The Holidays are Upon Us, Find the Magic in the Lights!

The Holidays are upon us and it’s time to celebrate! We celebrate new life, family members and friends…It’s a multi-layered experience because as adults, we remember once celebrating the Holidays with those that are no longer with us.

Our loved-ones-in-spirit continue to send us love and are part of our celebrations. Take a moment to send love and appreciation to them, they can feel it!

Your intuition can partner with you during the Holidays to help you get the most out of the season!

Set your intent for the Holidays now!

Choose for example to be filled with appreciation, joy, and peace. Or choose to trust your gut instead of your guilt when responding to requests for your company.

Follow your usual routine as much as possible. Be good to your body by providing enough sleep, vitamin D, healthy food, exercise and exchanged hugs.

Find the magic in your own life…create your own fabulous Holiday rituals.

Donate your time, your money and/or a smile this Holiday season.

If possible, make sure to be around people and celebrate the light of the season.

Know how you feel before you arrive at a party or family function. If you suddenly feel off center, breathe, inhale the beauty exhale the past. Then…Say your name to yourself, wiggle your toes, touch the top of your head and smile…even if you have to fake it. The physical act of smiling will lift your spirit.

Self-acceptance is self-love in action so be nice to you.

Remember…We don’t have to meet people where they are, we just have to love them where they are to find any sort of peace.

November 24 2019 blog

Choose a few affirmative words to say to  yourself when you feel tired, overloaded, or anxious such as…

-My energy is ignited, my thoughts fill me with light, and the light fills me with joy.

-Every second of my life is divinely kissed!

-I’m always on my path and am filled with light.

-I am here. I am whole. I am now.

-I am a loved child of the Universe and when I walk I know I never walk alone.

-I am love and light in action!

Be your own superhero. Stand up, Speak up, Light up!

Balance is a moving target. Allow your intuition to provide guidance! Offer yourself time to be silent and still. This will help move you into a space where you can be more peaceful and insightful.

It’s ok to miss what we could have had in our relationships with those we love as long as it doesn’t blind us to what we do have.

Being kind takes more heart than effort.

Neither your face your body, nor your age determines your beauty. Your heart does.

Live what you love and what you love will fill your life!

We did a spectacular segment on Twin Cities Live about living with more intention this Holiday Season!

Best shot November 22 2019 TCL

Live with More Intention This Holiday Season


 fun with intuition fun with intuition fun with intuition fun with intuitionUPCOMING EVENTS & HAPPENINGS fun with intuition fun with intuition fun with intuition fun with intuition

Jodi is on TWIN CITIES LIVE December 6th!

-Free Intuition-boosting downloads

Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter

Free Mini-Podcast!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!


-We have inspirational merchandise  available for Holiday gift giving including The Happy Medium book series


Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon





The Heart Always Forgives


Love is food for the soul

When we lose a love in any way, for any reason, we may feel regret and reach for solace and/or forgiveness. 

When we have been betrayed, we implore our Higher Power, please help my heart to forgive.

But the heart always forgives; it’s the mind that becomes immobile. So trust your heart, engage your intuition and employ your mind though only when it’s steady.

When there’s a party going on in your head, but no one is in charge, engage your intuition by radiating love.

pablo (41) In that moment, let your mantra be….

My thoughts are no longer running away with me,

my intuition is ignited and I now radiate love!

Use your intuition as an anchor. Go in the direction of what is sound and feels good. 

May you find peace through intuition, love, and balance.

Guess what! The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition along with my affirmation door hangers were in the Hollywood Swag Bags gifted to nominees and talent who stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel during Emmys week! 

Here’s the list of recipients!
1. Elisabeth Moss (“The Handmaid’s Tale”)
2. William H. Macy (“Shameless”)
3. Jeff Daniels (“The Looming Tower”)
4. Michelle Dockery (“Godless”)
5. Sarah Paulson (“American Horror Story: Cult”)
6. Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (“Game of Thrones”)
7. Peter Dinklage (“Game of Thrones”)
8. Joseph Fiennes (“The Handmaid’s Tale”)
9. Ann Dowd (“The Handmaid’s Tale”)
10. Lena Headey (“Game of Thrones”)
11. Sophie Turner (“Game of Thrones”)
12. Maise Williams (“Game of Thrones”)
13. Allison Janney (“Mom”)
14. Kit Harrington (“Game of Thrones”)
15. Natalie Dormer (“Game of Thrones”)
16. Viola Davis (“Scandal”)
17. Tina Fey (“Saturday Night Live”)
18. Molly Shannon (“Will & Grace”)
19. Ellen DeGeneres (“Ellen’s Game of Games”) (not at hotel but to be delivered)
20. Tim Gunn (“Project Runway”)
21. Antonio Banderes
22. Lilly Melgar (Daytime Emmy Bay Series)
23. Ellie Kemper
24. John Stewart
25. Carol Kane
26. Padma Lakshmi (Top Chef)
27. Margo Martindale
28. Tracy Morgan
29. Jane Krakowski
30. Scott Grimes
31. John Washington (Son of Denzel Washington)
32. Natalie Emmanuel
33. Jeffrey Wright
34. Conleth Hill
35.Anthony Carswell
36. John Oliver
37. Doug Richards
38. Issa Rae Diop
39. Sarah Goldberg
40. Michael Chrisley
41. Giveaway Media Opportunity
42. Giveaway Media Opportinity
43. Giveaway Media Opportunity
44. Charity Giveaway
45. Charity Giveaway
46. Jimmy Kimmel (delivered direct to him)
47. Colin Jost (delivered direct to him)
48. Michael Che (delivered direct to him)
49. Ricky Martin (delivered direct to him)
50. Laura Dern

Grammys swag bag shot

I’m so Happy & Appreciative!

Check out The Happy Medium® Book Series! 

Both books

Upcoming Media & Speaking Engagements!

Please join me this autumn, I have some great speaking engagements scheduled! For ticket information click Here!

I’m the Resident Psychic on the happiest TV show on in the Midwest, Twin Cities Live! Watch me on September 28th!

Check out my NEW..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

©2018 Jodi Livon  |  ©The Intuitive Coach  |  ©The Happy Medium®



Time Passes Without a Goodbye!

Our children

What is the difference between kindergarten and college?

It’s August; my thoughts are turning toward the approaching autumn and the back-to-school season. For parents with college-age-children this time holds a special punch. It’s similar to a child’s first day of kindergarten.

The difference between kindergarten and college…Is ten minutes. That is for me what it feels like. It’s been ten-minutes since I dropped them off at kindergarten. And now, what feels like moments later, I’m about to drop them off at college.


I guess that’s what parenting is about from the very beginning. It’s about learning to let go.

You may not have children leaving for college or have children at all but as in all things, if you are reading this, what I’m about to share likely pertains in some way to you.

My husband Jason and I are blessed with three beautiful children who are each accomplished, adorable and generous of spirit. Last summer I thought I would lose my mind because I was so turned inside out about my oldest son, Cole, flying the coup for college.

He had a tremendous year which was no surprise. Strangely, I found my balance the moment our borrowed truck’s wheels hit the campus grounds. That is why I now feel so surprised that I’m once again, ever so slightly falling apart at the thought of my second born Aaron, now leaving for college.

jodi and aaron

I’m a crier. I tear up when I see people in their 80’s holding hands and when I see little toddlers hugging their mom’s tight. My son Cole just recently reminded me that I cried ‘”…In front of people at his dorm” as we said our goodbyes. I couldn’t tell him then because I didn’t know that it wasn’t all about him going off to college.

It was about me coming to terms with a dream or two I’ve long had that will never come true. Time has passed without a goodbye and the opportunities that went along with them are what add such a punch to this moment.

Time moves on for us all and at some point, we have to make choices. We can only teach what we know, not what we think we know. Parenting can be complex stuff. The best of our spirit is required so we must be fully present.

I did my best but was it enough? Moving forward, I will never be as relevant to their lives as I once was. I’ll not be able to teach them things I now realize, I missed. Today I wonder if I sufficiently conveyed that sex without love is soulless and that every single woman they sleep with will hold a piece of them forever…and vice versa. Most people don’t know this but it’s true.

It all went so fast, this child rearing thing. And I’m aware that as parents, Jason and I are not done. Not only do we have Sophia, a 95 pound powerhouse of a girl still at home but in some way, children will always need their parents.

I just didn’t account for the fact that parents need their children too.

The shorthand between me and my kids compares to nothing I’ve ever experienced. Do you feel this way about your children as well? Does the pain of them growing up and leaving home ever go away?

They are doing exactly what we wanted them to do…and so beautifully it takes my breath away! It’s just that a very significant part of my heart goes with them wherever they go but now I shall only feel it and not see it. Their lives are theirs to do with what they choose. And here’s the thing, I can’t wait to see, in all of their brilliance, what they will do! I’m over the top happy for them!

Mother spark

But back to me and my dreams of being a better mom, a better person, a more accomplished someone. It dawned on me that some of my personal aspirations took a back seat because there were car seats taking up the space and I honestly wouldn’t have had it any other way. My biggest dream is and has always been to be a mom!

Our kids will always be our children but they won’t always be kids.

And that’s the takeaway for me at this moment.

Believe your spirit instead of your thoughts

Upcoming Events and Happenings!


The Happy Medium® book series!

*August 16th! Please join me in Golden Valley, MN for The Path of Your Soul: An Evening with Jodi Livon! For ticket information Click Here!
*August 24th! Sidewalk Psychic at the Minnesota State Fair on Twin Cities Live!
*August 26th I’m on the KSTP stage at the Minnesota State Fair doing readings and answering questions!
*Autumn events announced soon!
Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


I’m Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium® and Intuitive Coach and want you to know that your privacy is of the utmost importance to me.
If you are receiving correspondence from us it is because you signed up to do so using your name and email address. That is the only information we have about you. Neither are shared with or sold to anyone. Your privacy is completely respected and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.
If you have used our scheduling tool, Full Slate we have only your email address and whether you used PayPal or a credit card as payment when you scheduled. We do not have, nor have we ever had any other data. Neither are shared with or sold to anyone. Your privacy is completely respected and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.
We want to give you the best possible experience to ensure that you enjoy our services today and always. It is also our goal to be as open and transparent as possible. We will be making some changes to our Privacy Policy, ( which will be effective starting May 25th, 2018. These changes will reflect the increased transparency requirements of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (known as the ‘GDPR’). We embrace these changes, and our policy updates are intended to reflect the transparency this law requires.
We hope you’ll find these updates improve your customer experience and reinforce our commitment to your data privacy and security. If you have any questions or comments, send us a message at
If you have signed up for information about our services, our newsletter, free tools and techniques or our blog, we have only your email address and name. That is the only information we have about you. Neither are shared with or sold to anyone. If you have used our scheduling tool, Full Slate we have only your email address and whether you used PayPal or a credit card. We do not have, nor have we ever had any other data. Neither are shared with or sold to anyone. Your privacy is completely respected and you are free to unsubscribe at any time.


THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®



To be enlightened

Have you been feeling an excitement in the air? Like you know something good is coming, you feel both elation and slightly on edge? When this happens I run through my trusty Space check list.
The questions on my checklist include: How do I feel and why? Is something feeling unresolved? How are my boundaries, am I tired, hungry or thirsty, is there a spirit trying to reach me?  If I’m all clear on the Space check list my mood shift is likely due to something cooking in the cosmos.
Where there are astrological shifts, there are emotional and spiritual shifts as well! So whether or not you’re interested in Astrology, the moon, the stars and the sun impacts your life.
Why not harvest some of that astrological energy?
There’s been a lot of talk recently about Uranus. Uranus is rather famous, thanks to astronomer Sir William Herschel who discovered the planet in March of 1781, on the 13th day, with the aid of a telescope! This was a big first so I thought it worth the mention.
In the past days, Uranus began its journey through Taurus, the sign of steadfastness and stability. The last time this occurred was in 1934! The seventh planet from the sun, Uranus is cold and windy and one of truth, emancipation, liberation and change.
It seems to me that this is an indication of an upcoming well-deserved modification!
Compare this time to a brilliant painting. A painting youcreated one adept brush stroke at a time. It’s nearly ready for display. The paint is drying and the remarkable, earthy colors are vibrant, your artistry electrifying.
You are now making space, one truth at a time, for your creation.
Breathe yourself back into wholeness. Listen to the sound of your breath then inhale your dreams and exhale them into your life. Think about what you wish for, play it out in your mind and absorb the good feelings around it.
Remember, your soul is wise and placed you here, right here for a reason.
Since the goal of the soul is to seek enlightenment, and change brings with it growth and therefore the offer of enlightenment, we need not fear what’s happening.

we fear nothing

It’s a good time to allow the quiet and often still voice inside of you to get some air.

be you

We are all connected energy.

people see with their spirit yes

 The Universe has your back.

divine work of art


So dance May 2018

Remember to Breathe

the beauty around and within me YES

Now show the world your SHINE!

Trust in your Higher Self. You’ve got this!

FullSizeRender-35The Happy Medium Book Cover BIGGER!

The Happy Medium® Book Series!

Upcoming Media & Speaking Engagements!

Please join me on August 16th in Golden Valley, MN for The Path of Your Soul: An Evening with Jodi Livon! For ticket information click Here!

*May 25th Twin Cities Live!
*June 15th, Mantz & Mitchell Radio KKNW Seattle

Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

amazing shot

I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE April 13th!
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations Generate Transformation
© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®


Moving the Hell On!

Since my teen years I have understood the value of processing my feelings and moving on. The moving on part proved a challenge but over time, I became decent at it. I’m no stranger to asking for and extending forgiveness.

I’ve recently had an epiphany of sorts. In the last months I’ve lost two moms and before that my dad, some amazing friends and more. I’m not sure if it’s my age, what I do for my work or just my spirit talking and me listening, but I’m over it.

I’m over feeling bad about feeling bad and also staying sad when I don’t want to be.

And I’m way over feeling like I need to spend an appropriate amount of time processing. How I spend my time is up to me and I’m making some changes. Healthy changes.

Finally, I’m over feeling obligated to some self-set standard of HOW TO ACHIEVE EMOTIONAL WELL BEING! I’m not hiding from my feelings, I’m loving them up and moving the hell on!

Letting go

I want more of the good stuff. My Auntie Ide died at 102 1/2 and my dear friend Jody at 42. Time is moving us all forward. Some things matter much less to me now. The only thing we can put in a doggie bag to take home to ‘heaven’ is love.

So I’m cleaning up after myself when I do something shitty & not looking for someone to blame when something starts to stink!

The power is in my thinking! Actually, it’s in what I think about, speak about, and focus on! The same can be said for you!

April 2018

know how they feel

knowing and showing Realize


Trust in your Higher Self. You’ve got this!

FullSizeRender-35The Happy Medium Book Cover BIGGER!

The Happy Medium® book series!

Upcoming Media & Speaking Engagements!

*April 13th, Twin Cities Live!
*April 25th, Administrative Professional week event!
*May 10th, The Oh So Normal Paranormal!
Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

me on tcl

I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE March 8th!
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations Generate Transformation
© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®


Flirting with the Moon

There’s something cooking in the Cosmos!

I am an energy reader, so when I feel that there’s something going on astrologically speaking I look for astrologers with good energy to help me understand.

For those of us without substantial knowledge of astrology, it can be overwhelming.

The whole mediumship thing was overwhelming to me at first until I learned some basics, starting with boundaries! Steady boundaries gave me the strength to say NO to pushy spirits!

So as I flirt with the idea of getting to know the moon, the stars, Eris, Venus, Mercury, Mars and Neptune, I search for a foundation to lean on.

The first step in this is understanding how I feel as planetary changes occur. When I’m feeling off for no apparent reason, meaning there are no roaming and draining spirits nearby, my family is doing fine and my personal boarders are in place, I head to my computer and the internet for astrological information.

Alex Myles of Elephant Journal wrote, “On March 17th, the sun, the new moon, and the planetoid Chiron will all be huddled together gracing the sky in the sensitive zodiac sign of Pisces.”

Apparently Chiron is a restorative planet which means the potential for healing emotional wounds is good. But the new moon, which is dark and invisible to the unaided eye has an impact as well.

Just think “dark side” and keep an eye on your inner-bully. Choose compassion instead.

Dear Universe

Myles says, “On moon phases, when cosmic energy is highly charged and intense, and we aren’t listening carefully or understanding the teachings hidden within the turbulence, it is quite common for “all hell to break loose” and for emotional, dramatic meltdowns to occur.”

Old emotional stuff is never easy when it comes up and since my mom died in January, I imagine I’m in for a ride. Focusing on the light will help my own light beam, so I’m in!  

Just remember, your soul is wise, and knows the way. The way is filled with the energy of compassion, forgiveness, strength and the power to stand up within it.

Inner strength warmly

Darkness makes it easier to spot light so on March 17th, St. Patrick’s Day, I may be wearing green but I will be focusing on the light.


 Surround yourself with people who make a habit of choosing love instead of fear.


Trust in your Higher Self. You’ve got this!

FullSizeRender-35The Happy Medium Book Cover BIGGER!

The Happy Medium® book series!

My Speaking Engagements!

*April 3rd Unleash the Psychic Goddess Within
*April 5th Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club  
*April 13th, Twin Cities Live!
*May 10th, The Oh So Normal Paranormal!
Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

me on tcl

I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE March 8th!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Affirmations Generate Transformation

© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®





Where the Soul is Guided, there is Always Power

All dressed up Livon kids

I’m experienced at feeling grief, I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong.

My mom died three weeks ago. I’m in Shloshim, and walking around in an altered state of consciousness. Shloshim (in Judaism) is the initial 30-day mourning period after the death of a close family member.

Mourning processI learned a tremendous life lesson as a result of my relationship with my mom. No other relationship has ever produced such supreme anguish as the one between the young me and my mother. Back then, she often told me I was too much, and that my feelings were too big. She rarely looked my way and never hugged me. At seven- years-old, I overheard her offer me to a friend.

I thought she was kidding. I was wrong.

Bed or roses small

It is because of our difficult relationship that I learned to stand up and be who I am despite the threat of disapproval and withdrawal of affection. I learned to go inward and connect with G-d and a higher part of myself to feel love and to not only accept who I am, but to love who I am not despite, but because of, my ability to feel my giant feelings.

Movement and dance from Nov 2017 blogTo a large degree, this is how I learned to spot the light in everyone even when they themselves could not feel it. This was a gift.


We don’t have to meet people where they are, we just have to love them where they are to find any sort of peace. This is something I learned from being my mother’s child.

Where the soul is GUIDED

Our relationship remained, overall, a strained one. That is up until the last two years.

Almost 24-months ago, my mom seemed to recognize her own mortality and some healing and repair began between us. She no longer skipped me when greeting family members with a kiss on the cheek and she slowed her steady flow of unkind remarks about me, to me.

For the first time in over forty-years, my mom reached out. She started to call me on the phone and wanted to know about my life, my husband, and about my children! I was cautious and happy. 

Me mom and Sophia

My mom and I had dozens of humor-filled, tension-free conversations. My husband and I welcomed her into our home for large family celebrations. I’m glad we did.

On November 7, 2017 my mom was diagnosed with stage-four-lung-cancer. 

She was heroic in the way she handled her diagnosis. She moved through the illness with acceptance, and was not afraid to die. She also became in my experience, a little more willing to talk honestly about her parenting choices.

Our conversations became deeper. Rapid-fire she acknowledged some things long folded up and put away.

And so I became YESI learned so much in the last months about the landscape of my mother’s mind and truly enjoyed connecting with her. The best of her, at least for me was the last of her. 

She died on January on 6th with my brother by her side.

I have never seen anyone approach death with such grace. She embraced the process of dying fearlessly and seemed to sink into every moment. She even maintained her sense of humor. Witnessing such courage was a gift.

Her funeral was on her 80th Birthday. Our party plans changed direction completely. We mourned her death and celebrated her life.

We being all four of her children, our wonderful children and spouses, a grandson- in-law and one tiny, beautiful, great granddaughter. My family is nothing short of amazing.



Thank you most sincerely for every single kind gesture extended to me and mine during this time of mourning.

The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition

My Speaking Engagements!

*February 18th, Lake Harriet Motivational Service!

*February 22nd & March 22nd Jodi is on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club! (Details soon!)

*March 7th speaking engagement in MN The Art of Affirmations


*I’m in the January/February addition of Kindred Spirit Magazine!

Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE January 5th!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Affirmations Generate Transformation

© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®

















There is No Expiration Date on Love

There was a time when I was alone

It’s Holiday time! This is a time for people to gather and dine, laugh and simply be together. But there are so many who, for reasons untold, do not have anyone to be with.

So please share your gift of light with everyone you see. Smile at strangers, give compliments wildly, and include friends and family who are outside of your typical invite list. And remember to fill yourself up with appreciation!

How we love

Love has no expiration date. Even when someone has moved on, as in crossed over or you have split up with a friend or lover, the sweet energy that once connected you still lives on.

Love never dies. This does not mean it’s healthy to live in the past, it means we allow the love to be a part of us as we move forward because it adds to our shine!

feel your light 2



If you are looking for a good book to curl up with and/or a gift that will bring joy and insight, The Happy Medium: Speaking The Language Of Intuition is a perfect fit! Get your copy here!

I’m giving away free intuition-popping downloads! Click Here!
I will be on TWIN CITIES LIVE Friday December 1st! The Happiest TV show on! Here’s a link to my October segment, ORDWAY GHOSTS
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations Generate Transformation

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

© 2018 Jodi Livon | © The Intuitive Coach | © The Happy Medium®




To be enlightened

Have you been feeling an excitement in the air? Like you know something good is coming, you feel both elation and slightly on edge? When this happens I run through my trusty Space check list.
The questions on my checklist include: How do I feel and why? Is something feeling unresolved? How are my boundaries, am I tired, hungry or thirsty, is there a spirit trying to reach me?  If I’m all clear on the Space check list my mood shift is likely due to something cooking in the cosmos.
Where there are astrological shifts, there are emotional and spiritual shifts as well! So whether or not you’re interested in Astrology, the moon, the stars and the sun impacts your life.
Why not harvest some of that astrological energy?
There’s been a lot of talk recently about Uranus. Uranus is rather famous, thanks to astronomer Sir William Herschel who discovered the planet in March of 1781, on the 13th day, with the aid of a telescope! This was a big first so I thought it worth the mention.
In the past days, Uranus began its journey through Taurus, the sign of steadfastness and stability. The last time this occurred was in 1934! The seventh planet from the sun, Uranus is cold and windy and one of truth, emancipation, liberation and change.
It seems to me that this is an indication of an upcoming well-deserved modification!
Compare this time to a brilliant painting. A painting you created one adept brush stroke at a time. It’s nearly ready for display. The paint is drying and the remarkable, earthy colors are vibrant, your artistry electrifying.
You are now making space, one truth at a time, for your creation.
Breathe yourself back into wholeness. Listen to the sound of your breath then inhale your dreams and exhale them into your life. Think about what you wish for, play it out in your mind and absorb the good feelings around it.
Remember, your soul is wise and placed you here, right here for a reason.
Since the goal of the soul is to seek enlightenment, and change brings with it growth and therefore the offer of enlightenment, we need not fear what’s happening.

we fear nothing

It’s a good time to allow the quiet and often still voice inside of you to get some air.

be you

We are all connected energy.

people see with their spirit yes

 The Universe has your back.

divine work of art


So dance May 2018

Remember to Breathe

the beauty around and within me YES

Now show the world your SHINE!

Trust in your Higher Self. You’ve got this!

FullSizeRender-35The Happy Medium Book Cover BIGGER!

The Happy Medium® Book Series!

Upcoming Media & Speaking Engagements!

Please join me on August 16th in Golden Valley, MN for The Path of Your Soul: An Evening with Jodi Livon! For ticket information click Here!

*May 25th Twin Cities Live!
*June 15th, Mantz & Mitchell Radio KKNW Seattle

Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.

amazing shot

I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE April 13th!
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations Generate Transformation
© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®


Where the Soul is Guided, there is Always Power

All dressed up Livon kids

I’m experienced at feeling grief, I thought I knew what to expect. I was wrong.

My mom died three weeks ago. I’m in Shloshim, and walking around in an altered state of consciousness. Shloshim (in Judaism) is the initial 30-day mourning period after the death of a close family member.

Mourning processI learned a tremendous life lesson as a result of my relationship with my mom. No other relationship has ever produced such supreme anguish as the one between the young me and my mother. Back then, she often told me I was too much, and that my feelings were too big. She rarely looked my way and never hugged me. At seven-years-old, I overheard her offer me to a friend.

I thought she was kidding. I was wrong.

Bed or roses small

It is because of our difficult relationship that I learned to stand up and be who I am despite the threat of disapproval and withdrawal of affection. I learned to go inward and connect with G-d and a higher part of myself to feel love and to not only accept who I am, but to love who I am not despite, but because of my ability to feel my giant feelings.

Movement and dance from Nov 2017 blogTo a large degree, this is how I learned to spot the light in everyone even when they themselves can not feel it. This was a gift.


We don’t have to meet people where they are, we just have to love them where they are to find any sort of peace. This is something I learned from being my mother’s child.

Where the soul is GUIDED

Our relationship remained, overall, a strained one. That is up until the last two years.

Almost 24-months ago, my mom seemed to recognize her own mortality and some healing and repair began between us. She no longer skipped me when greeting family members with a kiss on the cheek and she slowed her steady flow of unkind remarks about me, to me.

For the first time in over forty-years, my mom reached out. She started to call me on the phone and wanted to know about my life, my husband, and about my children! I was cautious and happy. 

Me mom and Sophia

My mom and I had dozens of humor-filled, tension-free conversations. My husband and I welcomed her into our home for large family celebrations. I’m glad we did.

On November 7, 2017 my mom was diagnosed with stage-four-lung-cancer. 

She was heroic in the way she handled her diagnosis. She moved through the illness with acceptance, and was not afraid to die. She also became in my experience, a little more willing to talk honestly about her parenting choices.

Our conversations became deeper. Rapid-fire she acknowledged some things long folded up and put away.

And so I became YESI learned so much in the last months about the landscape of my mother’s mind and truly enjoyed connecting with her. The best of her, at least for me was the last of her. 

She died on January 6th with my brother by her side.

I have never seen anyone approach death with such grace. She embraced the process of dying fearlessly and seemed to sink into every moment. She even maintained her sense of humor. Witnessing such courage was a gift.

Her funeral was on her 80th Birthday. Our party plans changed direction completely. We mourned her death and celebrated her life.

We being all four of her children, our wonderful children and spouses, a grandson-in-law and one tiny, beautiful, great granddaughter. My family is nothing short of amazing.



Thank you most sincerely for every single kind gesture extended to me and mine during this time of mourning.

The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition

My Speaking Engagements!

*February 18th, Lake Harriet Motivational Service!

*February 22nd & March 22nd Jodi is on Jim Harold’s Paranormal Plus Club! (Details soon!)

*March 7th speaking engagement in MN The Art of Affirmations


*I’m in the January/February addition of Kindred Spirit Magazine!

Check this out..FREE Intuition-Boosting Tools & Techniques!
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.


I was on TWIN CITIES LIVE January 5th!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Affirmations Generate Transformation

© 2018 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium®


















There is No Expiration Date on Love

There was a time when I was alone

It’s Holiday time! This is a time for people to gather and dine, laugh and simply be together. But there are so many who, for reasons untold, do not have anyone to be with.

So please share your gift of light with everyone you see. Smile at strangers, give compliments wildly, and include friends and family who are outside of your typical invite list. And remember to fill yourself up with appreciation!

How we love

Love has no expiration date. Even when someone has moved on, as in crossed over or you have split up with a friend or lover, the sweet energy that once connected you still lives on.

Love never dies. This does not mean it’s healthy to live in the past, it means we allow the love to be a part of us as we move forward because it adds to our shine!

feel your light 2



If you are looking for a good book to curl up with and/or a gift that will bring joy and insight, The Happy Medium book series are a perfect fit! Get your copies here! 


-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon