Category: affirmations

Back and Forward: This Journey’s been a Bust!

You probably have no idea what this blog post is gonna be about.

It’s about boobs!
Actually, it’s about breasts and cancer and a promise I made to a 50 some year-old woman sobbing on the floor of her tightly enclosed bedroom closet hanging with garments that were soon to be too large for her frame.

Days before…

The word suspicious has never been one of my favorites and even less so now. Something ‘suspicious’ had been found during a routine breast MRI. It lead to a MRI guided biopsy and eventually to a breast cancer diagnosis. It became clear, with my family history and the nature of the tumor, there was no nipping and tucking this cancer away. So I made the heart-wrenching decision to have a double mastectomy.

Keeping you abreast of my history…

I had started blooming, as I like to jokingly say, when I was in sixth or seventh grade. At the time, I was still climbing trees and chasing frogs so I didn’t mind or even much notice the tiny buds growing on my chest.

But the boys did. And crusty men at Target.

I began to feel a little betrayed by the curves that were becoming curvier each month.

I fought to love my body as a young person, and was teased for having little breasts. Boys would call me “stuffer”, roughly-grab my arm or hair and stick their hand down my shirt, pinch me, then run away and laugh.

The good news was being curvy made me feel close to nature. That may sound strange yet I know there are some people who will understand what I mean.

I learned to love my body, every curvy, freckle-filled inch.

This self-love helped me attract the love of my life.

And when I nursed for the first time, the shackles of shame I didn’t realize I was caring, disappeared. So much was healed during that beautiful time in my life.

My heart forever holds the memory of my children laying against my chest as they fell asleep or while I read them books, comforted them, or hugged them hello or goodbye.  

I was a part of Mother Nature, lovingly offering my family an abundance of comfort via my body and soul.

On a warm and sunny autumn day in 2021, I walked into Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis Minnesota and traded my breasts for life.

Strange that pain
As the caring staff helped prepare my body for something that would remove the small cancerous tumor above my left nipple, and every inch of breast tissue along with it, I silently thanked G-d for my life and my loves, and for my beautiful breasts.

The aroma in the procedure room filled my nostrils and stung my eyes. As I looked down, the needle slid into the flesh of one breast, then the next, filling them with a dye that would help the surgeon during my mastectomy.

The pain of the fluid going through my breasts was absolutely excruciating.

It would be the last time I felt anything there at all.

Looking back with love and gratitude

Looking back, I cherish those last moments. The memory of the pain I felt made our farewell sweeter somehow. I was awake and connected for our goodbye.

Dust in my nose…

Now back to the closet where a woman sits huddled amidst fallen clothes. 

I can still feel the dust in my nose.

I had always delighted in choosing my clothing to match my mood. Bright colors, patterns, various styles and cuts, I loved them all.  For an abundance of reasons, going braless wasn’t a fitting option.

A promise was made that day on the floor. I vowed that if I lived through surgery and chemo, and kicked cancers ass, I would buy myself the most gorgeous open back dress ever made and wear it with joy.

And so I did.

It was a canvas of resilience, a sonnet of joy sung in fabric and flesh.

And in it, I stood tall, a warrior woman draped in victory, a testament to my unyielding spirit. A spirit that bloomed despite adversity.

I’m not rising from the ashes; I am the ashes because I am part of all that is and so are you.  

Here’s to the resilience in us all. To the power of prayer and hope, self-care and self-advocacy!

If you are going through a difficult time, have been diagnosed with cancer or are enduring any other life-altering circumstance, know that you are not alone.

You are surrounded by other survivors…we are all survivors of something. You are surrounded in love.

Help yourself move through the dark cavities of life by granting yourself grace and offering your anger a safe place to be heard.

Any wisdom gleaned is your own to claim and does not belong to misfortune.

May you always choose wisdom over fear, so that you may stand in the light and feel its divine power.

Remember, you are light reflecting light. You are a Divine being, being.  

Thank you for reading my blog…Follow me!


Watch this perfectly timed Twin Cities Live Segment, Give the Gift of Good Energy!

Watch Read Listen on Twin Cities Live! Check out my picks!


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I’m up to something and look forward to sharing the details soon! Think Virtual!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

I Am the Ashes

I’m not rising from the ashes…I am the ashes because I am part of all that is. And so are you!

I’ve been cut by the edges of life and felt wild with grief.

My body has undergone half a dozen surgeries in less than a dozen months and I’ve welcomed chemicals into my body I once viewed as poison.

My most dignified moment was when I used my voice and rescued myself from death.

I stood up and I am here because of it.

No longer do I feel wild with grief. I am cancer free, finished with chemo and surgery, and now with Herceptin infusions as well!

All of this fills me with deep appreciation!

I feel stronger and stronger every day and yet, sometimes I’m so afraid I’m not done, I‘m frozen in place.

There are moments when I see myself standing in front of a moving sidewalk and feel completely exhilarated so hop on!

But sometimes, I just stand there in fear because the sidewalk is moving too fast and I’m not up to jumping on. I’m not up to anything.

When the negative narrator within hijacks my story, things can go dark.

On the days when my energy supply runs dry & I feel my body cave under the weight of the fear of “What if the cancer is back” I have to be still. In my stillness I’m often able to quiet the voice within, summon my higher-soul-self and connect with the Divine. It is within that light, that I am free.

No one is immune to the dark and light of life. I’m even more convinced now than ever, post- breast cancer diagnosis that we can steer the wheel, pump the brakes, and hit the gas in life and all of that makes a huge difference…but we don’t build every road. There are some constructed long before we were born. Our job is to navigate and enjoy what we can of the ride.

So on this ride, love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, and take a leap of faith over and over again. Grab the hands of those you love, feel the wind on your face and allow the light to lead you.

So on this ride, love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, and take a leap of faith over and over again. Grab the hands of those you love, feel the wind on your face and allow the light to lead you.

You are love and light in action!

Thank you for reading my blog!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!


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-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

The Secret About Your Intuition

You were at your most intuitive the day you were born.

Somehow, so many of us were talked out of trusting our gut through unconscious messages sent by well-meaning adults. The good news is, intuition is our birthright and it is easy to awaken!

When fear hits the air, it is exposed to the light. There are some misconceptions about the intuitive process meaning psychic intuition, that I would like to shed some light on.

1. Intuition isn’t earned, it is awakened.

2. Everyone is intuitive. Everyone.

3. Intuition is not evil. Love is certainly not evil and love and intuition are born of the same source.

Your perception of the world goes beyond intellect and belongings. Your spirit is wise and knows you are divinely connected to the light of the Universe. When you feel even a glimpse of joy, hope, love, appreciation and/or happiness, that connection is heightened and your intuition is ignited.


There are those who believe words are empty and have no power. I believe words, like everything in this world are made of energy and energy has tremendous power. It is the meaning behind the words that carries the energy and therefore the power.

The words we speak and the thoughts we think play a special part in awakening to our natural intuition.

Words are a vehicle that can be used to touch a soul and hug a heart.

So allow me to lead you through this path of words.

May the route help you recognize the divine light that you are.

Sometimes you have to dance in the dark to find the light.

I hope you are feeling the light that is you.

Your feelings matter.

Experience your emotions without being controlled by them. Your emotions are the story you tell yourself about what your feelings mean. So breathe into the moment, hug your story by putting a positive spin on it, and keep moving. In fact, keep creating, singing and/or writing and most of all, keep feeling.

Remember, words are a vehicle that can be used to touch your soul and hug your heart.

So…Change the story you tell yourself about yourself. Create a happy ending by creating a happy now.

There are numerous kinds of success. Here’s one…If you are happy, you are a success. Know that happiness in the moment counts. The moment is all we have. Everything else is a memory or a desire.

As you continue to read through this path of words, may the energy of grace, joy, and pure self-acceptance move in and through you and surround you in its warm glow.

Know that one of the most beautiful and profound things you can do to achieve peace in life is to love yourself by being yourself.

If you are confused by people’s actions, know that love is at the core of everything.

Today and every single day think and say…

You are here because the Universe wants you here! You have been invited to dance in the light, so dance!

Live what you love and what you love will fill your life!

Feel alive to love, happiness and your intuitive insights!

Did you know that…

Intuition is a free and natural resource.

When applying insights, set your course on that which is for the good of all and remember to consult your heart, gut and head. When all three are in alignment, go for it!

Shine your light and heal the world.

Expand your intuition!

Thank you for reading my blog! Please follow it!

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Upcoming News and Happenings!

Jodi’s the Resident Psychic and a regular guest on Twin Cities Live!

Jodi was on Twin Cities Live doing a live reading on myTalk107’s Donna Valentine of the Donna and Steve Show!

-Check out my inspirational mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on YouTube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn and Facebook!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series. My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Looking Within and Looking Without for a Little Astrological Heads Up!

My cousin Jon recently sent me a few wonderful photos taken when we were young. Our Grandpa Lou and Grandma Dolly had nine grandchildren and in our early years we saw each other nearly every week. My cousins were my closest friends.

Perspective is Powerful

We all loved and adored our grandparents dearly so when they asked us to pose for photos, we willingly obliged.

I can see from one of the more recent photos Jon sent that all or most of us were feeling awkward due perhaps to the formality of the photographers suggested poses. We still looked darn cute and I’m happy we have so many photos.

It marks a time in our lives we will never get back. It is proof that we were there sharing an experience and one I personally look back on with tenderness.

Fast forward to right now. What if these moments we are sharing together in 2020 are ones we will look back on as awkward and yes of course awful in so many ways yet perhaps in hindsight we will also see how they gave birth to some amazing things.

This isn’t to say that losing our job or worse someone we love, is amazing. It is to say that we restore our power when we find our way back into the light.

Perspective is powerful.

It’s a had I known then what I know now kind of thing.

Speaking of what you know…Did you know that energy leaves an imprint just as our photos do? What I mean is our attitude and actions leave an energetic splash that lasts. In the years to come what do you think the imprint you are leaving right now will look like?

Do you know that good moods are contagious?

When you are in a good mood your energy, also known as your vibration, rollicks here and there impacting those around you.

You literally lift people’s spirit just by being your happy self. It’s a magnificent thing! Just thinking about it may lift your spirit!

Bad moods are unfortunately also contagious.

Healthy boundaries help you stay strong.

When you own your mood, as in take responsibility for it, you are less likely to leak your sad or mad vibe out onto those near by. In this way you are exercising good boundaries.

It is wise to watch your boundaries so as to not pick up and take home the mood (energy) of others. Know how you feel and why. Remember to breathe and do your best to see the upside about everything whenever possible.

This raises your vibration and magnetizes good things your way. You are then sticky for the good instead of sticky for the icky! So when PMS sets in, you are ready! PMS by the way is a synonym for Planetary Mood Swings.

Energy Matters

Just like every one of us has our own exclusive energy, every planet has its own as well. Retrogrades simply turn that energy inward and sometimes make it sluggish.

Yes, this means the moon and stars emanate energy and that energy can fluctuate. We are impacted by the fluctuation or as I affectionally call it, Planetary Mood Swings. This is how I make sense of astrological happenings.

All of the planets and celestial bodies have their own personality. As they move through the solar system our moods are influenced.

Mercury is Retrograde October 14th through November 3rd!

When planets go Retrograde their energy moves inward. Their tender underside is exposed. If Mars is associated with drive than the opposite would of course be lack of it. So during a Mars Retrograde you would lack energy. Mars is currently in Retrograde until November 13th.

If Mercury is associated with communication and coordination than the opposite would be miscommunication and imbalance.

No need to anguish over planetary changes.

When you experience unusual fluctuations in your moods and they do not seem to be connected to current life events, it’s wise to spend some time in introspection. Going inward is an effective way to resolve unsettled issues.

Strangely enough, planetary shifts help the process of moving through unsettled issues along.

Planetary shifts are not a bad thing. There are numerous astrological resources available on line that will help you learn more about their benefits. Google them, read books and read the energy!

Knowledge is a beautiful thing, grow your astrological knowledge and your Planetary Mood Swings may decrease appreciably!

Some of the best things to KNOW and to DO during MERCURY RETROGRADE

-Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and is all about Language—both  verbal AND written.

-Transporting of messages and just simply transporting is Mercury’s sphere.

-Cell phones and computers are touched by Mercury Retrograde. 

-Mercury is the planet of extremes. Spend time in reflection to find balance.

-Triple check documents before signing or if possible wait until the effects of the retrograde subside.

-Be kind and be gentle with yourself and others.

-Be extra patient and forgiving.

-Pause before you speak and take turns responding.

-Know that insights at times like these come in louder and stronger tune in for guidance.

-When making decisions trust your gut, follow your heart and use your head.

-The best thing to do during Mercury Retrograde is what calms and soothes.

-When Mercury is in Retrograde you may feel indecisive. Think carefully, move steadily and know that the Universe has your back.

-Don’t blame everything on Mercury Retrograde. It doesn’t create the stuff, it just makes a bit of a mess of it!


-Reach out to old friends and extend virtual hugs.

-Hang out with your animal friends.

-The veil between worlds thins during Mercury Retrograde. A space between the material/physical and the mysterious opens up.

-When a planet is retrograde, its energy moves inward. This is a powerful time to listen to the sounds of nature.

-The message from mercury retrograde is slow down and deal with what is deep down.

-The stuff we stuff tends to come up when Mercury Retrogrades.

I love getting to know the planets and their energy. I’m not an astrologer, I’m a medium and consequently an energy reader and oh boy, is there a lot of planetary reading material! There are currently Astrological events taking place that have not happened in 4,000 years!

Know that you’ve got this, and that the Universe has your back!

My Mantra for 2020 and beyond is…

I am love and light in action.

I feel the light,

I see the light,

I AM the light!

Live what you love & what you love will fill your life.

Stay Comfy & Stay on Your Sofa! I’m Online and on TV!

-October 29th Getting in Touch with Your Intuitive Self

-October 30th Twin Cities Live!

-October 31st Jim Harold’s Halloween Party!

-November 5th Dialing In For Your Light: An Evening with Jodi Livon!

I’m the Resident Psychic on the happiest television show airing in the Midwest, Twin Cities Live! Check out my latest segmentsI recently read the hilarious Melissa Peterman! I’m back on the show October 30th! Think ghost investigation!
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The Happy Medium book series!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of ©Jodi Livon

How are you doing? Remember, Grace lives in Courage!


How are you doing?

Hoping you are well and able to get enough fresh air, fresh fruit and the essentials you need. My family and I are doing fine…this is hard for everyone in various ways as I’m sure it is for you. Thankfully we have enough and are staying home.

I’m finishing my third book and finding ways in these unusual times to reach out and hug people with my words.

Hugging people with my words is something I’ve done for years now. I’ve written books filled with intuitive knowledge that do just that but this is different.

If you are alone, or feel alone, please know that collectively, you are not. We are a community and are in this together. If someone you know is ill, or if you have lost someone, I am so sorry.

Know that you are here for a reason. You give someone hope and/or make someone smile even if you don’t think you do.

If you are afraid, lonely, frustrated, bored or feel closed in, it is totally understandable. 

When I feel bad, and believe me I can go pretty low, I remember my light. Just thinking about it lifts my spirit. And then I say aloud (it’s hilarious; it looks like I’m talking to myself!) I am love and light in action. I feel the light, I see the light, I am the light.

And you know what…my spirit is lifted and I keep moving!

Every single day I do things like call or text someone I know lives alone or I send someone a little gift like a card, apples or toilet paper!

Every day I look for pictures of amazing times! Below you will see a post from 2016! I’ve altered it slightly to fit these times and hope it lifts your spirit!

Arizona 2016 Sophia & Mom!

In 2016 my daughter Sophia and I headed for Arizona for our first ever GIRLS TRIP! The boys had taken a few BOY TRIPS without us so we could fly to sunny Arizona without much guilt! This is the link to the original post I posted back then. 

Here is my COVID-19 PANDEMIC PAJAMA PARTY UPDATED-RENDITION! It is a blend of the old and the new…As am I! 

My daughter Sophia and I just returned from our very first Girls Trip together…just the two of us! We had a blast and laughed our way through all four days of our vacation in the Arizona sun. I know I will remember this as one of my favorite Sophia-adventures. It’s late so instead of posting what I typically do on Wednesdays, I thought I would do something different. I’m posting a few things about favorites!

Up high in a closet or under your bed may live a box of old greeting cards, photos of past loves, secret notes, and other goodies that were just too precious to discard. A favorites file is a bit like this only it is more current and this one is electronic!

Affirmations help raise our vibration and so can this little exercise. Open a file on your computer and call it something like “Favorites for Lifting my Mood.” I’ve compiled a small list of questions for this feel good file.

The only prerequisite is that what you include must lift your spirits! Feel free to answer any or all of these questions. Include a photo or two…or a quote or both!

A favored moment in time

The way I feel when I see the first sign of spring

Some of my favorite people-include a photo or two

Something I am proud I did

Something wonderful someone did for me or someone I love

My favorite vacation -include a photo or two

One of my all-time-favorite things to do

Favorite affirmation, quote, Torah or Bible verses

Favorite life-enhancing experiences

Favorite moment or moments that I shared a part of me not typically shared

Moments that made me laugh…

Moments filled with love…

Open this file, add to it and/or just sink into the feelings anytime! 

Take advantage of this time! Shower in the evening instead of the morning…wear your pajamas all day, and eat breakfast for dinner! 

Charitable giving can be done in so many ways….through a kind word, sharing of funds, or time spent doing for those who cannot do for themselves. At this venture, during the COVID-19 Pandemic we may be limited but we can still show people that social distancing does not have to equate to emotional distancing.

I was on Twin Cities Live with Elizabeth Ries and Steve Patterson April 6th sharing innovative ways we can stay connected and hug people with our words! Here is the link to the segment!

IMG_1964 (1)

-May 8th Twin Cities Live! (This is TV so times may change!)
-May 14th An Evening with Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium® (Pending CDC recommendations)
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-Free Mini-Podcast!
-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!

I’m the author of THE HAPPY MEDIUM book series!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® IS A TRADEMARK OF JODI LIVON © 2020 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium ®

Hello There Mercury Retrograde, I See You Are Back!

This is the first Mercury Retrograde of 2020!

Be inspired

This Mercury retrograde is in creative compassionate Pisces and goes from February 17th-March 10th. 

Screenshot 2020-02-16 at 10.55.29 PMRetrogrades happen a few times per year, when the planet Mercury slows down and appears to stop and move backward but it’s an optical illusion..there is movement forward.

We can look forward to two more Mercury Retrogrades this year. June 18th – July 12th and October 14th – November 3rd.

This rocky little planet is one of communication as in speaking, reading, listening, and negotiating. It’s also the planet of code, meaning computer code. So when this planet retrogrades, these areas (and more) often get chaotic and/or spin out of control. It’s wise to double and triple check documents before signing or if possible wait until the effects of the retrograde subside.

The message from mercury retrograde is slow down and deal with what is deep down. The stuff we stuff tends to come up when Mercury Retrogrades. This Pisces flavored Retrograde may reveal emotional patterns that could use a hug. 

Mercury and your gifts

And it just may help us clear the way so we can see why we came here in the first place! We all have something uniquely special to share. Sometimes we are afraid to reveal it because we are fearful of what other people will think.

Mercury Retrogrades help us clear our ‘stuff’ which helps us find our groove!

I’m using what could likely feel like Planetary PMS to help me move through my fear! It’s all about leaning into my soul and feeling my feelings.

And I’m spending tons of time with one of my best friends, my intuition!

Insights are so much louder when we allow our feelings to breathe! 

insights yesA few of my favorite things to do when Mercury is in Retrograde is…Clean my fridge, recycle magazines, and clean out drawers and under my bed. And…go for walks with my dog, take long baths and take a break from old-worn-out-thinking! 

Be sure to let your soul-light shine and know that the Universe has your back! 


Books Blogs Events promo

I’m the author of THE HAPPY MEDIUM book series!

Jodi’s event are filled with Spirit and Soul

-February 21st Twin Cities Live!

-February 23rd Lake Harriet Spiritual Community

-March 5th The Happy Medium! Tickets NOW available !

-March 20th Twin Cities Live!

-April 3rd Twin Cities Live!

-April 30th The Oh So Normal Paranormal Anoka MN! Tickets available soon!

-May 14th An Evening with Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium®

Hug people with your words

-Free Intuition-boosting downloads Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter

-Free Mini-Podcast!-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!

Follow me on Twitter LinkedIn Instagram and Facebook!



Death is an Emerging into the Light

Auntie Ide and Jodi

Arranged Marriage

David Berman and Sarah Katznelenborgan had an arranged marriage. Unbeknownst to Sarah, David was several decades her senior. Together they would be blessed with five children; Bill, Louie, Max, Faye (my grandmother), and Ide. When Ide was born, David was in his seventies. Longevity seems to run in the family as my Aunt Ide died last Saturday at the age of 102 1/2.

Ide was a true pioneer. As my cousin Sandy so eloquently has said, “Ide, back in the late 1930’s and throughout the 1940’s 50’s and 60’s was what women are today!” She worked full-time and was an unusually independent thinker.

young ide

For a woman who never was a mom, she sure had a lot of children. We are her nieces and nephews and we are four generations deep. Auntie Ide sipped wine and danced with us at family simchas (celebrations). She actually could out-dress and out-dance us all! She was famous for her chopped liver and her rum cake. She used real rum..and a lot of it!

Ide was the last remaining physical link we had to Bill, Louie, Max, & Faye. She was our family jewel and we all had our own special connection with her. During her last weeks, we sat by her side & held her hand as she struggled to breathe. She was always a fighter and death now was her adversary.



A week before she died, I remember walking into her condo and sensing the presence of a full crowd of relatives-in-spirit. I had very recently been in conversation with my dad, who died years before, so I recognized his energy immediately. My beautiful Grandma Faye, and her brothers were also amongst the throng of deceased loved ones trying to coax Ide over to the other side. I sensed they were telling her about the people, her people joyously gathering, waiting for her to emerge into the light.

Later that night, though she hadn’t uttered a word all day, she became alert and said she needed to go shopping for a dress! Hours later she whispered..”How can they eat spaghetti in the dark?” I looked up in the direction she was pointing and saw a fuzzy scene of large oval-shaped tables covered in a lovely black tablecloth. Sitting elegantly in the center of each was a  gorgeous tall-silver-candelabra with pretty, unlit candles. Her party was right up her alley, fancy!

Fingerprint of the soul

The term labor of love truly took on new meaning in the weeks preceding my aunt’s death. As a medium, I’m trained in differentiating energy. Not only am I able to sense when someone from the other side visits, I can frequently distinguish who it is. Since I knew, or rather know so many of Ide’s relatives in-spirit I began to grasp, from a more personal perspective, how much work it can take to help a dying person relax into death.

We, her nieces, nephews and caregivers were doing our part on this end while those on the other side were doing theirs.

I often sat close to my aunt and whispered things in her ear about ‘heaven’ and promised she would never be alone, she was not imagining things..Her parents were in the room, along with my father, her brothers and sisters and more. She gestured with her hands, pointed in the air and nodded.

Every hour she visibly slipped further and further away from us. I felt like she was somehow visiting the other side in snippets and then falling back into her frail, thin body where she could hear us but no longer respond.

Dying is a process as is birth. For some it goes quickly and for others it goes on and on. Our job on this end is to love our friend or relative, and respect their process.


Marshall & Ide

As Ide moved deeper into the tunnel, memories of her standing in her bright yellow kitchen, watching me dance to the music of one of my records playing on her ancient stereo system slowly swooshed by.

My 15th year was horrendous. While most kids that age struggled to find the perfect hair-style, and themselves, I was searching for a place to live. My parents had just split up and my dad had rented an apartment here in town but traveled all week for work. He agreed to take me in when my mother divorced me too. Ide and her husband Sam lived down the hall from my dad so I spent a lot of time with them. Lost in grief, I had forgotten who I was and certainly who I would be. But my aunt had hope for me and she beamed it into me in every way she knew how.


It was that lost girl who sat weeping by my Aunt’s bed. The combination of so much time spent in her condo and the metaphysical heat of the moment brought me back. Though all of me is grieving the loss of Ide, it is the 15-year-old me who weeps. She was more than an aunt to me. She played mother when my own stepped out.

Life circles around love

I trusted my gut even back then and it lead me here. Here.. to my warm and welcoming home with my sweet husband and three beautiful children.. and of course, my little white dog.

Here where we celebrate the life of one stunning, strong, funny, amazing woman who took her last breath and flew into the dazzling light.

Always remember…When Things Don’t Add Up, Intuition Helps You Do the Math! My Happy Medium books, The Happy Medium: Awakening to Your Natural Intuition & The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition are brimming with humorous & highly effective insight building techniques! Check them out!


I’m giving away free intuition-popping downloads!  Click Here!
My next speaking engagement is October 25! Come see me in person & gain a better understanding of the Language of YOUR Intuition!
I will be back on TWIN CITIES LIVE at the MN STATE FAIR AUGUST 25th!
My July TV segment on Twin Cities Live was a big fun!
Jodi Livon Reads Colleen Lindstrom
Colleen Brady Lindstrom
MyTalk107.1’s own Colleen Lindstrom jumped in the co-host chair and one of our most asked about guests stopped by to give her a Psychic Reading. Colleen thought she was an open book, but Jodi unveiled things Colleen doesn’t typically share about herself!
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In January, I was on the cover of the Variety section of the Star Tribune! The story ran in six additional publications nationally and internationally!
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations generate Transformation

Just Breathe

when reliable info is in

My mind often wanders to the baseball field. As a mom, I’ve spent much of my time on cold-metal-bleachers and would have it no other way. My children are pretty sports-driven and have participated in baseball, football, ballet, tap, basketball, track, soccer, gymnastics and karate. I have enrolled them in a number of things over the years including Miss & Mr. Manners for tots because I want them to turn out to be good citizens, and mensches. In Yiddish, mensch essentially means “a good person.”

So far we’ve learned that being a good sport is most important and that players, judges and umps are not always perfect.’s more about the experience than the end-result

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Children have an amazing capacity for fun. They may be totally committed to winning but within an hour of the games end, they forget who won and who lost. They do not however, forget who was on their team and the joy of playing the game together.

I think it’s true that we learn more from our children than they do from us. Last night as I sat watching one of the last games of the season, I realized that I’m not always such a good sport. I have to remember that it’s just a game.

Being a good sport doesn’t always have to do with sports.

Every single one of us is here to learn.

Though the weight of recent national and local events has been heavy and not every politician seems to have  20/20  vision, I believe in people. I love my team. 

If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other. Mother Teresa

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Television is never boring! I’m the resident psychic on Twin Cities Live and am on the show Friday July 15th!

June round of rapid readings

A visit from the other side spices up this live TV reading!

Follow me on Twitter and Facebook. Watch my Intuition in Action on YouTube!

Interested in growing your own intuition? Sign up for my Free awareness building tools & receive humorous intuition building games, techniques & exercises! Click Here to learn more!



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Affirmations generate Transformation

© 2016 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium


I’m Very Popular with Dead People

Instagram anoka henn whoohoo event

Curious about mediums?

All of these people are!

Some mediums have a lot to say but often it is not us who is saying it!

Mediums speak for dead people. Mediums see, hear, feel, and/or sense when dead people are near.

I know this of course because I am a medium and I’m very popular with dead people.

Dead people (spirits) love to catch the attention of mediums. Even the attention of those who are mediums but don’t know it!


Spirits  like mediums because they know we have the capacity to consciously sense and even see them, even when they are in no way related to us. They whisper our name in our ear, breathe smoke in our face, give us chills, lovingly hug our heart and find strange ways to sweetly ask us to connect with their loved ones who are on this side of the veil.


I’m popular with dead people, as are most mediums because I acknowledge their presence and I relay the information they share with me to their loved ones.

Mediums are conduits between worlds. Trained mediums are are highly adept, accurate, and skilled interpreters of the information they perceive. 

As much as it is a privilege to do this work, a potential by-product is a sense of social isolation. A powerful remedy for feeling alone, however, is feeling understood. That is in part why I wrote The Happy Medium: Awakening To Your Natural Intuition (Llewellyn, 2009) and it is why I am writing this blog post.

Everyone needs balance.

We mediums tend to be in a receiving mode all the time. I describe it as being like a radio that lacks an “off ”switch; I have an “on” and a “pause” switch, rather than “on”and “off.” Learning to put myself on pause helps bring balance and it cuts down on overload and overreaction.

We can all learn to put everything on pause so we can have the space we need to shine.

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Exercising my boundaries, professionally and personally makes me less popular with dead people and even with some ‘live’ ones. Unless I’m working, I don’t read people, dead or alive. This helps me create a sense of equilibrium.

Growing ourselves spiritually helps add a sense of balance and dignity to our life.

When-you-enter-a-state of

When we become more loving and accepting, we grow spiritually and naturally become more intuitively aware.

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Fall in love with yourself, intuition and all.







logo for testimonials on webisteNeed a little help finding your bliss? Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page!

Jodi is the resident psychic on Twin Cities Live, check out her last segment which aired in May on Friday the 13th!

Follow Jodi on Twitter and Facebook. Watch Jodi’s Intuition in Action on YouTube!

Interested in growing your own intuition? Sign up for Jodi’s Free awareness building tools & receive humorous intuition building games, techniques & exercises! Click Here to learn more!

I danced with my shadows


THMBookCover-131x202Have you read Jodi’s book, The Happy Medium! 


Affirmations generate Transformation

© 2016 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium

Is there Facebook in Heaven?


There’s no Facebook in heaven. I’m pretty sure the same is true for twitter, Instagram and other forms of social media. But you might be surprised that some posts have the ability to reach heaven, A.K.A., the other side.

Your-passing-has-left-a hole

As a medium, The Happy Medium, I have the ability, training and skill to connect with those on the other side. Mostly though, they connect with me. I don’t call or summon people who have died but I must admit, I write. Posts that is..ones that say, “Missing you Dad, I can still feel your light.” and…”Here’s to my sweet friend, though you are in ‘heaven’ there’s a place in my heart where I can always find you. Happy Birthday!”

The sharp edges of loss cut deep. I am so grateful that love survives death. Love survives everything. When I need to breath a little life into a part of me that still grieves I write, I pray, I cry and I post.

You-left-too-soon-I wasn't ready to live my life without you

The fact that love reaches through the veil also means it can reach people through a simple thought. No matter if the one we wish to reach is dead or alive, the love in our heart carries messages, no email address is necessary. Just think a thought and send it with love. So if you are feeling regret, remorse or sorrow over a decision made, or a word spoken, even years ago, you can send an emotional I’m sorry by simply thinking it.

When I do readings, my client’s deceased loved ones will frequently communicate through pictures, scents or sensations that denote their messages. On more than one occasion a spirit will show me exactly how my client tried (and succeeded in) reaching out to them. Though it is usually through a spoken word or deed such as a charitable donation, there have been times when a post on social media was the venue. So write your thoughts down, or just feel them in your heart and send them off with love.

Dear-MomI-promise-I-am alive and wellMy-love-I-havent-left you YES

Write or pray, or simply think sweet thoughts. Live. Dance. Laugh.

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Cover photo of and by Carver County Park Reserve
Jodi is the resident psychic on Twin Cities Live, check out her last segment which aired in May on Friday the 13th!
Follow Jodi on Twitter and Facebook. Watch Jodi’s Intuition in Action on YouTube!
Interested in growing your own intuition? Sign up for Jodi’s Free awareness building tools & receive humorous intuition building games, techniques & exercises! Click Here to learn more!

I danced with my shadows


THMBookCover-131x202Have you read Jodi’s book, The Happy Medium! 
Selfie of JodiAffirmations generate Transformation
© 2016 Jodi Livon | © The Intuitive Coach | © The Happy Medium