Month: November 2021

Flipping My Thoughts from Heavy to Light

I’ve recently written a range of blog posts yet have not published even one of them. They were in part too blunt and too dark for my comfort zone. So I borrowed parts of one of them and included it in my latest newsletter. So for those of you who receive my newsletter, some of this (modified) blog post may seem seem familiar.

I have changed both physically and emotionally.

It now takes me longer to find my happy.

My willingness to find it however has not changed. It’s part of me.

Before I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August of 2021, I had the strangest feeling that I was going to die. I almost did due in part to a nasty infection that occurred after the first of four surgeries.

I’m happy to say I no longer have that awful feeling any longer. I’m also happy to say I am cancer free.

So here’s a blog post that includes some shade though it is not absent of light.

Every picture tells a story. And so does every quote. Here are some  written in the past that are helping me in my present.

Faith and Grace

–Faith and poise accompany me as I move steadily through the transitions that deepen the colors of my soul.

–It’s better to heal the wound than to hold the hurt and wear the scar.

–I feel empowered by my willingness to feel my feelings no matter how big, small, dark, or light they may be.

I believe in the power of self-acceptance. I am confident, strong, brave and beautiful.

–Happiness is good for the immune system because happiness is good for everything.

–In matters of soul, nothing is impossible. Grace lives in courage.

I’ve been talking to my past to help make sense of my present.

I’ve questioned my faith, my intuition and my strength.

The past months have been filled with prayers, tears, procedures, doctor appointments, grief, surgeries, sleep and a deeply felt appreciation for every word, card, post, like, flower, gift, dinner, hug, and shoulder extended to me during this strange and rather bleak part of my life story. 

It’s a different kind of chapter and one I didn’t anticipate. So I’m highlighting every good moment in my mind and holding it close. This is my way of bringing joy back into my life so I can write a happy ending into this chapter.

The whole thing is a process. It’s not really possible for me to fake feeling my light. In order to feel it I have to clear my darkness.

While in the midst of it, such a path feels unbearable; as though I am drowning in air.

Move through the darkness as a path to the light.

Love yourself by being yourself.

After my first surgery, my health took a swift decline due in part to a serious infection. There was a time when I was too sick to be scared. I just wanted my life back.

Thankfully, I have my life back.

It includes chemo.

I’ve tightened up my team of doctors and am doing the same for my boundaries.

I noticed before I was diagnosed that for some reason, people -and I truly mean well-meaning people- sometimes ask some pretty personal questions of those dealing with cancer. I’m certain I’ve done this my share of times. We are all learning.

In the silence of knowing this, I fill myself with light.

I just wish that when people ask me cancer-related-questions I’m not comfortable answering, I could always politely decline and when pushed, lightly say…”My body, my breasts, my business.” 

Someday…It’s a process.

And speaking of processing…

I am happy to announce I will be resuming work on a part-time basis and once I process previously slated appointments, will be opening scheduling back up. Look for more information sometime in early 2022. Until then, please check out my Awareness Building Tools and Techniques, Mini-Podcasts, Upcoming Events, and Media Appearances!

This breast cancer surviving warrior has some entirely wonderful events coming up!


Would love to see you!

-November 17th An Evening with Jodi Livon: Navigating Life with Trust, Love & Intuition!*

-December 9th Recognizing Your Intuitive Voice!*

*Events include gallery-style-readings!

Jodi’s recently been featured on these podcasts, shows & blogs!

Jim Harold’s Annual Halloween Party!

The Pastlives Podcast-The Happy Medium

Elevate Your Life-Mediumship and Grief

Life and Everything After-How Your Intuition Can Help You Navigate Beautifully Through Life

Check out Twin Cities Live Ghost Investigation of The Water Street Inn!

Here’s my Website Events Page!

-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!

-Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series. My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon