Month: December 2015

Let Your Spirit Sparkle


This is no ordinary time of year, the lights are bright and emotions are high. May the season bring you much peace. Please show yourself a lot of love and care and take the time to speak with love…to yourself!

I’m taking a holiday break from writing..or rather, blogging. I’ll be back after the New Year!

I may not be writing but I’ll be dancing…See Below!

Happy Merry EVERYTHING to YOU!

I’m kicking up my heels to help find a cure for blood cancer by

Dancing with the Twin Cities’ Celebrities!

I’ve lost friends & family to blood cancer & am kicking up my heels to help find a cure! Please consider donating!

Participating in a dance contest is not something I ever thought I would or could do. My first reaction to the invitation to participate in the Dancing with the Twin Cities Celebrities charity fund-raiser was wow, what an honor to be asked and then fear set in… there is no way I’m doing this, not a chance! But when I realized I could raise money to help find a cure for something that has taken the lives of so many, from infants to the elderly, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and onto the dance floor.

The mission of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society is to find a cure for all blood cancers. My dad had lymphoma and thankfully, he fought it and won! My dear friend Colleen had blood cancer and though she fought like a champ, it took her life.

Please consider donating

Invest in Finding Cures

The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the largest voluntary cancer research agency specifically focused on finding cures and better treatments for blood cancer patients. With the scope and scale to fund many projects at the same time, LLS supports hundreds of cancer scientists around the world.

Commercial enterprises consider blood cancers as “orphan diseases” with small markets and limited profit potential, LLS funds research based on medical need without regard to commercial return or market size. Every dollar invested comes from charitable support from concerned donors.

LLS funds hundreds of promising researchers at leading cancer centers and universities worldwide. And since LLS has no campus or laboratories to maintain, your investment funds more research and less overhead than a don ation made elsewhere.
This information is from LLS

I’m kicking up my heels and you too can join me in the fight to help kick blood cancer out of everyone’s lives!!! Donations of any size are welcome!

Join us for the Seventh Annual Dancing with the Twin Cities’ Celebrities!

Arthur Murray BTW, is amazing!

Thank You!

Jodi Livon

Rapid Readings 12-11-205

Did you catch Jodi’s last TV segment on Twin Cities Live?

Jodi is onNot So Kosherthis Thursday, December 17th, 2015 at 7PM! 

Tickets are now available for The Art of Affirmations, Jodi’s April 6th, 2016 speaking engagement! To learn more and purchase tickets, Click Here!

On-line classes this winter! Check back soon for updates!

Interested in growing your own intuition? Sign up for Jodi’s FREE awareness building tools & receive humorous intuition building games, techniques & exercises! Click Here to learn more!

Click to listen to Jodi’s FREE podcast, Instant Instincts 101! Click to view our latest
Follow Jodi on Twitter and Facebook

See Jodi’s Intuition in Action on YouTube!


Affirmations generate Transformation- ©2015 Jodi Livon

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© 2015 Jodi Livon | © The Intuitive Coach | © The Happy Medium

Call From Spirit

When I was in sixth grade, my parents purchased a second telephone line for me and my three siblings to share. I still remember the telephone number and how we had to turn the little white switch on the bottom right of our bright yellow phone to access the ‘kid line’.

We were pretty technically savvy if you ask me. That was my one moment in life to feel techno savvy. Times have changed and my own kids have a great handle on how to use computers, cell phones, and the internet. I’ve been the keeper of several of my websites over the years and actually do just fine technically speaking, but the learning curve seems curvier for me than for my kids.

Even spirits seem to be able to master a few things on my new iPhone that I have yet to figure out. Like how to activate Siri without touching the phone.



Today, while conducting a reading for a  young man I’d not met before, a visiting spirit made himself known by showing me his very bushy eyebrows.

I’m a visual person so guides and those on the other side communicate by dropping pictures onto what can be described as a giant screen in my head. My job as a medium is to skillfully interpret what the sensations, scents, sounds and pictures mean for my client. The eyebrows belonged to a dad in spirit with a T name such as Thomas who had some issues with his teeth. Yep, he showed me his teeth.

He also made my heart hurt, literally. Those in spirit can cause mediums to experience certain sensations as a way of communication. In this case, he was communicating how he had died. He then said the word March and the number 63 so clearly it made me smile. During the reading he also shared some pretty detailed career planning advice for my client, whom I was pretty sure was his son.


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When I presented this information to my client, let’s call him Ryan, (he gave me permission to share his reading in blog and book!) he shook his head in pleased disbelief, turned a little red and said that his dad had recently died at 63 of a heart attack, his middle name was Thomas and the last time he saw him was in the month of March. When I asked him about the tooth reference, he said his dad had had huge issues with his teeth and that he had recently had found evidence of such while going through his dad’s belongings.

I sunk back into my over-sized office chair and silently marveled at Ryan’s dad’s marvelous ability to communicate from the other side. From the corner of my eye I noticed that my phone had light up and saw “What can I help you with” and the word “communicate” come across the screen. I’m new to iPhone but obviously understood that somehow Siri had been activated. The only way that I know to activate Siri is to push firmly down on the white button at the bottom of the phone or use a voice command.

Neither my client nor I had said the word ‘Siri’ or anything that sounded remotely like it nor had we touched the phone which, by the way was sitting more than arm’s length away.

Ryan’s guides and father poured more information into me. As I poured it out, I noticed how calm and confident my client now seemed. During the last few minutes of his reading I shared a few tips with him about how to use his own intuitive compass to help guide him. He was completely open to what I shared and I could see that his own intuition was about to pop!

When I stood up to walk Ryan to the door, his father’s energy floated away.

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Jodi is on Twin Cities Live this Friday, December 11th, 2015! Tune in and Tune Up!

Sign up for Jodi’s FREE awareness building tools & receive humorous intuition building games, techniques & exercises! Click Here to learn more!



Did you catch Jodi’s last TV segment on Twin Cities Live?
Follow Jodi on Twitter and Facebook  See Jodi’s Intuition in Action on YouTube!

We can electrify our world through the use of affirmations! 

Affirmations generate Transformation- ©2015 Jodi Livon

© 2015 Jodi Livon | © The Intuitive Coach | © The Happy Medium