Category: Las Vegas

Words and Their POWer!

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Did you know that simply feeling joy causes it to radiate throughout the Universe and therefore expands its power? Joy also heightens our potential to connect with those we love wherever they are, even with those we have never met.

It’s October 4th, 2017, just days after the tragic happenings in Las Vegas on the 1st.

If you sent even one single positive thought to the people of Las Vegas, they felt it.

Like you, I’ve sent love and light to all those touched by the tragic loss of lives. And like you, I’ve spoken out in some way.

There is great power in words.

             “Once you have read a book you care about, some part of it is always with you.” Louis L’Amour

I wonder how many of us are aware of the energy behind our words and the power in them?

“A word can change a mind, a sentence can change a life..”~ Tom Kane

Do the words you write give you a lift or bring you down?

The words we speak (and write) and the thoughts we think, control our vibration. Our vibration is a magnet and everything that comes to us is steel. It’s the Universal Law of Attraction in action!

My father always said, “Think before you talk.”  He was likely trying to teach us respect. Unbeknownst to him, he was helping his children control the giant magnet within us all, our vibe!

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A superb magnifier of vibration guessed it..Social Media! So why not have some fun with it… Amplify your sweetest intentions!

Before you post, remember..whatever you put out..will come back so consciously SET YOUR ENERGY!

Here’s How…

When posting..before you press enter, let your intuition be your mentor. Check your Vibe! If you feel happy…Awesome, this is a fabulous time to post. If not..try this!

Take a deep breath and slowly and fully release it. Bring to mind someone or something that brings you joy. Bask in appreciation and allow the warmth of your thoughts to fill you up.

October appreciation

Since your vibration is a magnet and everything that comes to you is steel, ask yourself, What will the words in this post magnetize my way? If you like the answer and the feeling it evokes..Post!

October words


Thank you for reading my blog. I am a medium by nature and a writer by heart.

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I love TWITTER & follow wonderful tweeters! Here are two who post the most amazing tweets about writing! They are Anna@agiblin95 and @noveliciouss!
My HAPPY MEDIUM book series was written with you in mind. The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition & The Happy Medium: Awakening to Your Natural Intuition!  Check them out!


Check out my November 8th speaking engagement! Find out how to put your instincts & intuition to work in a flash!
I’m giving away free intuition-popping downloads! Click Here!
I will be back on TWIN CITIES LIVE Friday October 27th!
 a thousand words youtube
I’m on Youtube!  Subscribe and see my intuition in action!
Follow my blog! Click on the follow button on the bottom right of this page! Follow me on Twitter and Facebook.
In January, I was on the cover of the Variety section of the Star Tribune! The story ran in six additional publications nationally and internationally!
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon
Affirmations generate Transformation