Category: consciousness

Finding Serenity: Coping Strategies for Challenging Times


When I was a little girl, my aunt and uncle owned a resort. Okay, it was a pretty white rambler on the corner of a quaint street in Moorhead, Minnesota, with a pool in the backyard, three wonderful cousins inside, as well as a cute poodle named Buffy who liked to chew on long hair. To me and my three siblings, it was a resort; a place of entertainment that our family enjoyed every summer.

My cousins are a few years older than me and my siblings. We thought they were completely amazing. They loved our visits and always made us feel like we were the bomb… meaning cool, meaning fabulous.

The atmosphere in their house was welcoming and loving. Every summer, my Aunt Muriel would make fabulous Eastern European dishes and serve them on gorgeous china, including her signature grasshopper pie – a dessert that had me convinced for years she included actual grasshoppers!


Muriel is my dad’s sister. The affection between them was sweet to witness. When me and my siblings were arguing, my dad would often comment that he and his sister Muriel never fought. But she, on the other hand, said differently.

My Aunt Muriel and Uncle Leon had an absolutely endearing relationship and were married for seventy-some years before he died in 2023. On many occasions they exchanged playful banter.

I remember both my Grandma Faye and my dad often saying Muriel and Lee never went to bed angry at each other. Ever.

Of course, they were not perfect, no one is. They did have a lasting marriage grounded in love, which I found fascinating to watch. This enduring love, along with the memories I have of my time in Moorhead, Minnesota, at the best resort ever, continues to inspire me.

For instance, I’d wondered for decades if simply slipping into sleep feeling peaceful, instead of angry and afraid, was something magical.

Somewhere in my twenties I made a conscious effort to lighten my emotional baggage before drifting off to sleep. I would often pray myself to sleep. Additionally, I read the works of Khalil Girbran, Rumi, and Louise Haye.

Something magical happened along the way, setting me on a journey that I still walk today.


Whats interesting is that happiness is an actual energy.

You can be a magnet for good (happy) energy or not so good energy. The words you speak and the thoughts you think have true power.

What we see, what we say, and what we think has more to do with what we get than most people realize. Why not set the stage for the best possible outcomes in our lives?

An optimal time is before you close your eyes to sleep.

Sleep is a magical time. It’s a time of clearing, refreshing, and rewiring the subconscious mind. It can also be a time used to set our intention or program the subconscious mind, that is, if we fall asleep in a raised state of consciousness.

This is where the whole “going to bed mad” thing comes in.

Some pretty funky chemicals shoot through our body when we are in an angry state, and this can cause a chemical reaction.  Our body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can trigger physiological responses such as increased heart rate, elevated blood pressure, and heightened muscle tension.

When we go to bed angry, especially if we’re unable to resolve the source of our anger before bedtime, stress hormones can linger in our system. This may disrupt our ability to relax and fall asleep, leading to poor sleep quality and potentially impacting our overall well-being.

In addition to disrupted sleep, going to bed angry can be unhealthy for other reasons:

  1. Negative Impact on Relationships: Going to bed angry without resolving the underlying issue can lead to resentment and tension in your relationships.
  2. Emotional Burden: Holding onto anger can have negative effects on your emotional health, leading to emotional exhaustion. It can also prevent you from experiencing positive emotions and enjoying meaningful connections with others.
  3. Habit Forming:  Thinking dark thoughts can be habit forming. So can thinking thoughts filled with light.

It’s important to note that there are circumstances in life that may never feel fully resolved. Perhaps the best you can do is find acceptance of what is to help you move forward. It’s what you do with what you get that has the most power. You are powerful!

To promote better sleep and overall health, lighten your emotional load before bedtime. Find healthy ways to manage anger and soothe sadness. This may include talking about what is bothering you as well as techniques such as deep breathing, mindfulness meditation, and/or engaging in calming activities before bed such as reading affirmations.

Here are a few examples of life-affirming affirmations:

*I danced with my shadows until they became part of my light.

*I now reflect before reacting and allow my intuition to lead me toward my greatest light. 

*I am a grateful willing spirit with a balanced mind and an open heart.

*I shine my light on every dark thought that arises and they turn into whispers with wings and fly away.

*Today I give birth to the beauty within. I bring forth my song, my art, and my light. I surround myself with the essence of it all and shine it out onto the world. 


Remember, when times are stressful, sleep can be elusive. So become mindful of what you read, watch, see and do always, but especially before going to bed.

Uplifting poems, prayers and affirmations carry energy and that energy, when absorbed helps you radiate at a higher frequency.

When you are higher in frequency, you are higher in consciousness, so you can connect to your higher soul-self, which is the enlightened part of you. As I wrote in The Happy Medium: Speaking the Language of Intuition, “Our vibration is not about who we are, it is about how we are. Sporting a raised vibration not only brings us more joy (and all sorts of goodies!), it connects us with that big, beautiful Universal Bank of Knowledge and voilà, we are aware of, and awake to, our psychic soul-self, and the strength of our intuitive voice is amplified!” 

Another theory behind affirmations is that they can bypass the critical filter of the conscious mind and reach the subconscious directly, potentially promoting its receptivity to positive messages.


Additionally, falling asleep feeling uplifted can have a number of benefits for your physical and mental well-being. Here are some key advantages:

  • Improved Sleep Quality: When you drift off to sleep feeling positive emotions like joy, gratitude, or peace, your body is more likely to relax and enter a deeper, more restorative sleep. This can lead to feeling more energized and well-rested when you wake up.
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety: Negative emotions like stress and anxiety can disrupt sleep patterns. By falling asleep feeling uplifted, you can quiet these negative thoughts and create a calmer emotional state, promoting better sleep.
  • Enhanced Mood: Positive emotions before sleep can have a carry-over effect to your mood the next day. Waking up feeling more positive can set the tone for a happier and more productive day.
  • Boosted Resilience: Regularly falling asleep in a positive state can strengthen your emotional resilience. Over time, you may find it easier to manage stress and bounce back from setbacks.
  • Sharper Cognitive Function: Studies suggest that good quality sleep can improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration. Since falling asleep uplifted may lead to better sleep, it could indirectly benefit your cognitive skills.


Overall, falling asleep feeling uplifted can create a positive cycle that benefits your mind, body and spirit. In other words, it makes you sticky for the good instead of sticky for the icky.

What if there’s a whole lot of Icky going on around you?

Life on planet Earth can be stressful and today is no exception.

There may be times when the most beautiful words will not lull you to sleep; when your ability to find slumber is overshadowed by your ability to feel pain. The most impactful thing you can do is be keeper of your own light. Remember, you are responsible for your own vibration.

Every major life venture is a passage that has great capacity to offer enlightenment. We go deeper hence we go higher. The higher our vibration, the more intuitive and joyful we become.

  • The more joyful we become, the higher our vibration radiates.
  • The higher our vibration, the more love we radiate.
  • The more love we radiate, the more love comes our way. 

When you think about something and are filled with emotion, you radiate that vibration into the Universe and the Universe oftentimes radiates it back to you in physical form.

Splendid synchronistic events are now happening for me - Quozio

Knowledge is power.

Keep apprised of what is happening in the world by understanding different viewpoints. If you feel you are being called upon to hate, you may want to reassess.

Don’t let your dark places take over. Live your light.

Choose wisdom, honesty, transparency, and integrity.

We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light.

We are all related, one to the other.

Open your heart.

Feel the connection.

Shine your light and heal the world.


Links to Soothe Your Mind and Hug Your Soul!

*Tips for Centering and Calming Yourself

*Tips for Energy Clearing on the Fly

*Calming the Static from Within

*The Rise of Healthy Boundaries, Peace, Inspiration, and Connection with All that Is

*Spiritual Hygiene 

*The gift of affirmations

*Connecting with the Wisdom of Your Soul

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Have you read Jodi’s Happy Medium book series?

I’m up to something and look forward to sharing the details soon! Think Virtual!



Affirmations generate Transformation
THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

© 2016 Jodi Livon  |  © The Intuitive Coach  |  © The Happy Medium

Back and Forward: This Journey’s been a Bust!

You probably have no idea what this blog post is gonna be about.

It’s about boobs!
Actually, it’s about breasts and cancer and a promise I made to a 50 some year-old woman sobbing on the floor of her tightly enclosed bedroom closet hanging with garments that were soon to be too large for her frame.

Days before…

The word suspicious has never been one of my favorites and even less so now. Something ‘suspicious’ had been found during a routine breast MRI. It lead to a MRI guided biopsy and eventually to a breast cancer diagnosis. It became clear, with my family history and the nature of the tumor, there was no nipping and tucking this cancer away. So I made the heart-wrenching decision to have a double mastectomy.

Keeping you abreast of my history…

I had started blooming, as I like to jokingly say, when I was in sixth or seventh grade. At the time, I was still climbing trees and chasing frogs so I didn’t mind or even much notice the tiny buds growing on my chest.

But the boys did. And crusty men at Target.

I began to feel a little betrayed by the curves that were becoming curvier each month.

I fought to love my body as a young person, and was teased for having little breasts. Boys would call me “stuffer”, roughly-grab my arm or hair and stick their hand down my shirt, pinch me, then run away and laugh.

The good news was being curvy made me feel close to nature. That may sound strange yet I know there are some people who will understand what I mean.

I learned to love my body, every curvy, freckle-filled inch.

This self-love helped me attract the love of my life.

And when I nursed for the first time, the shackles of shame I didn’t realize I was caring, disappeared. So much was healed during that beautiful time in my life.

My heart forever holds the memory of my children laying against my chest as they fell asleep or while I read them books, comforted them, or hugged them hello or goodbye.  

I was a part of Mother Nature, lovingly offering my family an abundance of comfort via my body and soul.

On a warm and sunny autumn day in 2021, I walked into Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis Minnesota and traded my breasts for life.

Strange that pain
As the caring staff helped prepare my body for something that would remove the small cancerous tumor above my left nipple, and every inch of breast tissue along with it, I silently thanked G-d for my life and my loves, and for my beautiful breasts.

The aroma in the procedure room filled my nostrils and stung my eyes. As I looked down, the needle slid into the flesh of one breast, then the next, filling them with a dye that would help the surgeon during my mastectomy.

The pain of the fluid going through my breasts was absolutely excruciating.

It would be the last time I felt anything there at all.

Looking back with love and gratitude

Looking back, I cherish those last moments. The memory of the pain I felt made our farewell sweeter somehow. I was awake and connected for our goodbye.

Dust in my nose…

Now back to the closet where a woman sits huddled amidst fallen clothes. 

I can still feel the dust in my nose.

I had always delighted in choosing my clothing to match my mood. Bright colors, patterns, various styles and cuts, I loved them all.  For an abundance of reasons, going braless wasn’t a fitting option.

A promise was made that day on the floor. I vowed that if I lived through surgery and chemo, and kicked cancers ass, I would buy myself the most gorgeous open back dress ever made and wear it with joy.

And so I did.

It was a canvas of resilience, a sonnet of joy sung in fabric and flesh.

And in it, I stood tall, a warrior woman draped in victory, a testament to my unyielding spirit. A spirit that bloomed despite adversity.

I’m not rising from the ashes; I am the ashes because I am part of all that is and so are you.  

Here’s to the resilience in us all. To the power of prayer and hope, self-care and self-advocacy!

If you are going through a difficult time, have been diagnosed with cancer or are enduring any other life-altering circumstance, know that you are not alone.

You are surrounded by other survivors…we are all survivors of something. You are surrounded in love.

Help yourself move through the dark cavities of life by granting yourself grace and offering your anger a safe place to be heard.

Any wisdom gleaned is your own to claim and does not belong to misfortune.

May you always choose wisdom over fear, so that you may stand in the light and feel its divine power.

Remember, you are light reflecting light. You are a Divine being, being.  

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THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Boundary Busting

Boundary Busting

When I first heard the term “ghosting”, I was delighted. I thought it meant more people were coming out of the psychic closet. At one time in my life, I would have rejected the term “ghosting” because of my fear of actual ghosts.

I’ve been reacting to ghosts my whole life. Early on, I responded by running away. I was terrified.

As time went on, I found I could connect with beloved family members after they died. On the flip side, I had to contend, for example, with my friend’s deceased grandfather who wanted to reach his granddaughter so he thought he would try through me. But it wasn’t until I was in my first apartment and this ill-natured dead drunk guy kept making my phone ring at all hours of the day and dropping into my body that I reached for my first book about ghosts.

I had been studying metaphysics for years but had never wanted to learn about ghosts. So, learn about them I did. Meanwhile, there was nothing in the library or bookstore about psychic boundaries. For years, I searched for information about how to strengthen mine, all the while, strengthening them on my own. Truth be told, therapy helped! Personal and energetic boundaries are connected so if one is made stronger, so is the other.

Decent boundaries are the building blocks of intuitive work of any kind.

Energetic boundaries, as you know, are extremely important for mediums. They need these boundaries to protect themselves from the energies of others.”

Spirits and ghosts can spot a medium a lifetime away. They know the medium can either see, hear, or sense them so they follow them around, whispering in their metaphysical ear.  

Mediums can feel the emotions of others. The energy of emotions can stick like glue to all sensitive people. Another reason to build decent boundaries.

Everyone is sensitive and intuitive to some degree. We all trip over our boundaries and cross other people’s boundaries from time to time. In my experience, understanding how to strengthen them is key to feeling peaceful and happy.

When I started writing this blog post, I got lost in all the subcategories of boundary genres. As an intuitive coach, I’ve always emphasized the importance of strong personal and energetic boundaries, so I could have easily gone into great detail. However, I decided to take a broader approach to illustrate personal and energetic boundaries because I wanted to focus on helpful tips for strengthening them.

Personal Boundaries

Personal boundaries are the limits and rules we set for ourselves in terms of our relationships with others. They define what we are comfortable with and what we are not comfortable with. Personal boundaries can be physical, emotional, or mental.

-Physical boundaries involve our physical space.

-Emotional boundaries involve our emotional needs and well-being. 

-Mental boundaries involve our thoughts and beliefs.

Healthy personal boundaries help us to feel safe, respected, and in control of our own lives. No one’s boundaries are perfect. We all benefit from boosting them; it is truly a lifelong process.


  1. For instance, if you find yourself oversharing…

Be selective about who you share your story with. Oversharing can alienate people who are uncomfortable with your level of honesty. Save your story for those who appreciate your openness and will be supportive.

2. If you find yourself saying yes when you want to say no…

Learn to say no.  It’s okay to say no to requests that you don’t have time for or that you’re not comfortable with. Saying yes when you mean no can lead to resentment and frustration.

Here are some tips for setting healthy personal boundaries:

  • Be clear about what you are comfortable with and what you are not comfortable with.
  • Setting clear expectations: Communicating our needs and expectations to others can help to prevent them from crossing our boundaries.
  • Be upfront in enforcing your boundaries.
  • Stay honest and consciously choose not to be manipulative to get your needs met.
  • Be willing to say no to requests that you cannot or don’t want to fulfill.
  • Be receptive when others say no to you.
  • Set limits on your time and energy.
  • Take care of your physical and mental health.
  • Practice self-care, self-love, and compassion.

Setting healthy personal boundaries is an ongoing process. It takes time and practice to learn how to communicate your needs and enforce your boundaries. But it is a worthwhile investment!

Energetic Boundaries

Energetic boundaries are the invisible lines that define our personal space and protect our energy from being influenced by others. They are similar to physical boundaries, but they are not limited to our physical bodies.

Our energetic boundaries extend beyond our physical bodies.

Energetic boundaries encompass our thoughts, feelings, emotions.

Energetic boundaries protect us from energy that is not our own.


  1. Your co-worker is in a bad mood and every time you interact with them, you feel angry afterward…

Absorbing other people’s moods is an easy thing to do unless you consciously ignite your boundaries before you connect. You will not feel drained or angered by those around you if you stay in your own energetic space.

2. When you spend time in your cousins house, you feel cold chills throughout your body and you always feel tired when you leave…

There could be a ghost sharing space with your cousin. Meditating and grounding prior to and after your visit will help you stabilize and protect your energy. Imagining a protective bubble around your body is also helpful, especially when dealing with ghosts.

Our energetic boundaries are impactful to our spirit because our spirit responds to energy, not words.  Absolutely everything is made of energy. Thoughts, words, love, hate, tension, anxiety, appreciation, joy, all can be sensed energetically.

When our energetic boundaries are strong and healthy, we can protect ourselves from negative energy, such as stress, anxiety, fear, and energy that is not our own, including spirit energy. Spirits and ghosts can be sensed because they too are made of energy, as are you. When our boundaries are secure, we are able to maintain a sense of peace and well-being, even in difficult situations.

Our energetic boundaries are powerful when we know where our space begins and ends. Being aware of our emotions is essential to this process, as it helps us to notice when someone or something is trying to penetrate our boundaries. We can tell because our own vibration will feel foreign to us.

Here are some tips for setting healthy energetic boundaries:

  • Meditation: Meditation can help us to become more aware of our energy and to learn how to protect it and ourselves with light.
  • Grounding: Grounding helps us to connect with the earth’s energy, which can help to stabilize our own energy.
  • Paying attention to how you feel helps you build and understand where your energetic space begins and ends.
  • Healing work, whether you do it on your own or with professional support, can strengthen your boundaries in an extraordinary way.
  • Exercising self-love is a powerful force and protects your energy beautifully. 
  • Giving energy to what you love and not what you dislike builds your personal bank of energy.
  • Maintaining a stream of optimistic thoughts about you and your life is a powerful practice. 
  • Visualizing a protective shield of light around our bodies can help to keep out negative energy and any energy that is not our own. 
  • Clearing our space of old energy using prayer or space clearing techniques.

Energetic boundaries are an important part of our overall wellness. By taking steps to strengthen our boundaries, we can protect ourselves from negative energy and maintain a sense of peace and well-being.

Here are some examples of energetic boundaries:

  • Refusing to engage in any conversations that make you feel uncomfortable.
  • Honoring your intuition about people, places, and things.
  • Setting limits on your time and energy.
  • Protecting your personal space.
  • Creating an energetic protective shield or bubble around yourself before interacting with others.
  • Clearing your energy regularly, especially after heavy interactions or being in crowds.
  • Taking care of your physical and mental health.
  • Practicing self-love, self-care, and compassion.
  • Coming to terms with the fact that you cannot help everyone you want to help.
  • Knowing that your energy is yours, you can choose to share it in a healthy way or walk away.

For those in the healing arts, it is especially advantages to maintain decent boundaries to protect your client and yourself. Just because you intuitively pick up on something, doesn’t mean it’s meant for you to share. The entire Universe need not rest on your shoulders.

For example, as a massage therapist, if you sense that a client is going to have a heart attack, it is not appropriate, to share this information with them, as you are not qualified to diagnose a heart issue. Instead, you could tactfully encourage them to listen to their body and seek medical guidance if something doesn’t feel right.

If you are struggling with delicate or unhealthy energetic boundaries, the good news is you can strengthen them in minutes just by altering your thoughts. You can easily learn to build and maintain boundaries.

Setting energetic boundaries is an ongoing process that takes time and practice. It’s worth it, as it helps you protect your energy, maintain a sense of well-being, ignite your light, and enhance your joy!

Here are some additional links for help with realigning and boosting boundaries.

Boundaries in a Bottle!

Tips for Centering and Calming Yourself

Setting Anchor

Finding Calm

Calming the Static from Within

13 Ways to Achieve Alignment and Be Where You Are, Not Where You Were

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©2023 Jodi Livon  |  ©The Intuitive Coach  |  The Happy Medium®

The Door

The photo of the red door in this post was the door to my freedom.

It was the entrance to my first apartment when I was 18.

The house wasn’t located in the very best part of town; it was a basement apartment without proper exits, but it was mine! It was an entrance to a whole new world for me.

This was where I started my shadow dancing. This was where I stood up for my intuition and told the dark spirits to vamoose. This is where no one could kick me out for telling the truth.

This is where I began to love myself.

My feelings were never too big and I was never too much.

Feelings are the gateway to your intuition.

I learned to open to the Universe within by reflecting before reacting to them.

The love in my heart illuminated the path of my soul.

Today, as my shoes hit the earth on the grounds of my first apartment, something swirled up through the soles of my feet, and I could feel how I felt all those years ago when I was brave, damaged, and naïve.

I wanted to knock on the door, hug my younger self tightly, and remind her of the times when this me, a version of my older self, came to her with reassurance and even showed her movies with scenes filled with possibilities yet to come.

As I stood in front of the building, I realized that these sensations have been a part of my life, my entire life.

I wanted to knock on the door and tell that young me that we had accomplished it. She inspired me, and I inspired her.

And then, a smile lit up from within me and made its way to my eyes as I realized that there was no part of me still left fragmented in that apartment. I had all of me. Nothing damaged. Nothing broken. Nothing splintered or unclaimed.

We learn who we are by knowing how we feel.

The strength of my joy gives evidence to the power of my soul and its connection to All That Is.

Love is the fingerprint of the soul. As for me, I am leaving my fingerprints everywhere.

I’m so appreciative of this experience and the reminder it served. My Divinely Guided Spirit Team was behind me then and remains so now.

Our Divinely Guided Spirit Team is tailored for us by high level Divine beings.

Team members include our guides, angels, the Universe of course and us. Yes, the higher-knowing side of us is part of our Divinely guided team. When we are in the groove, feeling good and loving, we are connected to our higher-knowing self. We know we are worthy of being on our own team.

When you open up to this process, you just may begin to remember the various times throughout your life that the older or younger you popped into your consciousness via your higher-knowing-self. The vibe is one of knowing calm. It’s not about inching you toward an outcome as much as it is to send pure support and a sense of assured comfort so you are able to respond to the moment from a place of amplified light.

There’s nothing like living in a place of higher-knowing. When you follow your heart, trust your gut, and use your head, magic happens!

For more information about your Divinely Guided Spirit team check out this blog post.

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-May 22nd, Intuition and Affirmations for Success & Happiness*!

May 29th, When the Spirit Moves You*!

June 4th, The Happy Medium*!

-July 24th Hack Your Mood & Spark Your Intuition: Practical Strategies for Everyday Insights! More info soon!

-Virtual Events…more info coming soon!

Events with * include gallery-style-Readings!


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I’m up to something and look forward to sharing the details soon! Think Virtual!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Scared Speechless

I was keeping my cool. Holding it together. Not talking about it. Nevertheless, I was scared speechless.

The scan indicated a potential problem in my lungs. The radiologist didn’t think it looked like cancer, but due to my history of breast cancer, I had a follow-up CT scheduled a few months later. There I was again, with an IV in my arm, chemicals infused, me in a tube. Thankfully, nothing had changed.

Before the sigh of relief could leave my cancer-free lungs, my eyes clung to the words “mass” and “belly.” The CT had picked up a small mass of unknown origin in my belly. My oncology team was not alarmed, though they did schedule another CT for early the next week.

The waiting was painful and would have been excruciating had it not been for my amazing family, friends and medical oncology team. Nevertheless, I was scared speechless again when scenes from the days that had led up to my being diagnosed with cancer sailed through my mind. My intuition told me everything was alright, but my fear screamed otherwise.

Most of the people I know who have made it through a cancer diagnosis say it is never really over. Every small thing could be a big thing. It is difficult to find peace in that yet I am determined to do so. What helps is to process with family, friends, and professionals…and to write. I write to release the part of me that is speechless.

Emotional anniversaries can be electric to the system. The upcoming anniversary of the day I was diagnosed with breast cancer, August 6, 2021, was approaching. My emotional system was doing overtime. And then thankfully, I received some good news.

As I write this blog, rushes of relief and appreciation flow through me. I am relieved to say the mass was found to be of no concern. My body is doing its thing to adjust to the multitude of surgeries and the chemo it endured in a 12 month period. I am dearly grateful for the good news.

(Me and my Rock…AKA husband Jason at M-Health in MPLS.)

Personally, I feel somewhat like a superhero! I’m alive and still kicking!

And my intuition, well, it has always been a dear friend. As I evolve, so too does it. I watch, feel, and tune into all the new signals and signs that bless my life. I do not always like the direction I am led, though I will say that things have typically turned out well when followed. However, it may take time for this truth to be made evident.

As you begin to take notice of signs, coincidences, and serendipitous occurrences, the energy of the Divine will embrace you from the inside out.

Whatever you are going through, know that you are not alone. Keep going.

On days when your skin is turned inside out and your heart is raw, know that you are Divinely loved and protected. You are a superhero, and your superpower is your sensitivity.

Give your boundaries a boost by remembering that even when you feel bad, you are worthy of all the good the Universe has to offer. Allow appreciation for this to move in and through you and watch as the essence of it sparks your light.

Know that the things that have always brought you peace may change.

You have shifted. You’ve grown and expanded beyond old thoughts and beliefs. The world is bigger and the new you is already embracing it.

Make a conscious choice over and over to choose the lighter thought or at least less yucky one. This alters your vibration and truly changes your life.

You are a loved child of the Universe. Today make a choice to lean into your soul and add light to everything you think do and say. Know that when you walk you never really walk alone… The Universe has your back.

Here are a few options to help you lighten things up by shifting your vibe!

Affirmations! When poetry meets intuition your thoughts are reset and your energy lifts!

Our thoughts don’t control everything yet they do make a noticeable difference in our world!

YouTube Short with Tips for turning your day around!

TCL TV segment: Magnetize the Good Stuff Your Way Through Your Five Senses!

Tips for Centering and Calming Yourself!

Read books that fill you with joy!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!



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I’m up to something and look forward to sharing the details soon! Think Virtual!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

True Love Includes Self-Love

Are you taking care of people? Are you over-focusing on work? Or are you consistently leaving your needs for last? Turning your Self-Care up a few notches will do you good!

After being diagnosed with breast cancer I can say self-care took on a significantly more serious role in my life. It was at the top of my list. Now that I’m on the other side of the diagnosis, surgery and the majority of treatments, I still want to take loving care of myself.

The most significant relationship you have with anyone on the planet is the one you have with yourself. Every interaction launches from there.


You deserve your best.

You deserve to be the object of your own attention.

You deserve to be your own Valentine year-round.

Center your attention on your inner light and allow everything to unfold from there.

Self-Care is Soul-Care!

Our love of self, dictates our expression of it.

There are misconceptions about self-love such as it is selfish

It is not!

Practicing self-love and self-care is always worthwhile for absolutely everyone. If you have young children, are dealing with an illness or are caring for the elderly, this is enormously true. 

Self-care is NOT an indulgence. It’s healthy and restorative! So fall in love with taking care of yourself.

“Talk to yourself like someone you love.” –Brene Brown.

Peace and Self-Care

One of the most profound things you can do in this life to achieve peace is to love yourself by being yourself.

Love and know yourself from the inside out.

5 Practical Self-Care Practices That Work!

-Practice healthy boundaries-Teach the people pleaser within to say a resounding NO

-Practice self-forgiveness- Notice how much easier it is to forgive others from this space

-Practice positive self-talk- Allow the story you tell yourself about yourself be the kindest version possible.

-Make a practice out of filling your life with people who love and support you- Fill your life with people who see your shine

-Practice self-love and self-care by trusting yourself- You are absolutely good enough and do not need to prove yourself to anyone

Try these Techniques to Move you Forward on the Road to Better Self-Care!

Prior to going to sleep, you could…

-Take a hot bath

-Text a friend you love just to say “Goodnight, I love you.” 

-Tell yourself a brilliant story about the upcoming day

-Read something uplifting and emotionally-nourishing prior to bed

-Look in the mirror -directly in your eyes- and smile!

In the morning…

-Smile at yourself in the mirror 

-Look in your eyes and say something positive about yourself

-Allow an hour during the day to do just what you wish to do

-Take a moment throughout your day to simply breath

-Call, text, or email someone you love

Love Yourself From the Inside Out!

-When the negative narrator hijacks your story and you are thinking unkind thoughts about yourself, try this…

      *Press your feel into the ground

      *Say your full name to yourself 

      *Listen to the sound of your breath

      *Now retell the story!

Fill yourself with light throughout the day through focus of thought…

Thank you for reading my blog, please follow it!


I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!


-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action!

Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Change is a Faithful Bringer of Joy

Change is a faithful bringer of joy, but first it makes you miserable.

Or not!

December is a Month of Completion and January a Month of New Beginnings

New Beginnings and Endings. Hello energy shifts!

We evolve as souls through transformation.

Day to night. Autumn to Winter. Embracing new love and/or letting go of old loves. Job Promotions. Moves. There are countless transitions that are cause for pause.

We know it is natural… these transitions; and yet we want to hold on to the old.

The power is in letting go.

I’m from the land of 10,000 lakes. The barometric pressure changes frequently in Minnesota as the wind blows in the tremendous shifts in temperature. My sinuses are often screaming at me, the pressure is so great.

Change on many levels can be painful.

Change is also faithfully a bringer of joy.

On that note…

2023 is sure to be a big year. The number 23 in numerology is a master number. This means it can help create great change in your favor. The number 23 is the most powerful of numbers, it is The ROYAL STAR of The Lion and its energy radiates freedom. It is about balance, harmony and intuition.

Your intuition is the voice of your soul. Your soul is wise and will lead you toward your greatest power and your brightest light.

Your light will lead you to connect with people in 2023. Connection is powerful. It is an act of love that protects you mind, body and spirit. It’s good for your soul and it’s good for our planet.

Take Action in 2023

*Pay regular attention to your gut. Remember to follow your heart, trust your gut and use your head. When you experience an intuitive lead, check in with your heart, gut (intuition) and head. If all three are in alignment, you are good to go.

*Filtrate your thoughts. Do you carry beliefs that no longer resonate with you? Purge them from your mind by acknowledging this and open your mind and heart to a new way of thinking. This lets the light in.

*Your place in the world, the way we THINK about our LIFE is shifting. Is there something about the way you interact with the world that no longer serves you? This pertains to your place in the world in regards, for example, to relationships, money, adventure and more. Agree to be aware of HOW you interact with the world and it is sure to change for the better because the very action promotes harmony.

Do your words match your energy? When you are in a place of peace and your words match your energy, things flow naturally.

More about transitions… I’m experiencing some in my work as an Intuitive Coach.

I love my work and doing individual readings has been a huge part of it for over 40 years! Demand for individual readings, both corporate and personal has grown significantly and as much as I want to help, there is truly not enough time in a week to meet the growing number of requests.

This has been a blessing and a heartbreak because I love what I do so much so that I ignored the intuitive nudges I was receiving for a long while until I could ignore them no more. The nudges were all about morphing into a different work model and helping greater numbers of people.

At this time, I am transitioning and TEMPORARILY moving away from private individual readings and doing more large group events.

In an effort to accommodate more people we are rolling out exciting new offerings in 2023! They include classes and more virtual and in-person events. These events regularly include opportunities to be read!

Thank you for reading this and for sharing your beautiful energy. May faith and poise accompany you as you move steadily through the transitions that deepen the colors of your soul. 

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!


-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

I Am the Ashes

I’m not rising from the ashes…I am the ashes because I am part of all that is. And so are you!

I’ve been cut by the edges of life and felt wild with grief.

My body has undergone half a dozen surgeries in less than a dozen months and I’ve welcomed chemicals into my body I once viewed as poison.

My most dignified moment was when I used my voice and rescued myself from death.

I stood up and I am here because of it.

No longer do I feel wild with grief. I am cancer free, finished with chemo and surgery, and now with Herceptin infusions as well!

All of this fills me with deep appreciation!

I feel stronger and stronger every day and yet, sometimes I’m so afraid I’m not done, I‘m frozen in place.

There are moments when I see myself standing in front of a moving sidewalk and feel completely exhilarated so hop on!

But sometimes, I just stand there in fear because the sidewalk is moving too fast and I’m not up to jumping on. I’m not up to anything.

When the negative narrator within hijacks my story, things can go dark.

On the days when my energy supply runs dry & I feel my body cave under the weight of the fear of “What if the cancer is back” I have to be still. In my stillness I’m often able to quiet the voice within, summon my higher-soul-self and connect with the Divine. It is within that light, that I am free.

No one is immune to the dark and light of life. I’m even more convinced now than ever, post- breast cancer diagnosis that we can steer the wheel, pump the brakes, and hit the gas in life and all of that makes a huge difference…but we don’t build every road. There are some constructed long before we were born. Our job is to navigate and enjoy what we can of the ride.

So on this ride, love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, and take a leap of faith over and over again. Grab the hands of those you love, feel the wind on your face and allow the light to lead you.

So on this ride, love and be loved, forgive and be forgiven, and take a leap of faith over and over again. Grab the hands of those you love, feel the wind on your face and allow the light to lead you.

You are love and light in action!

Thank you for reading my blog!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!


-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Writing Myself Back Into Balance

Masonic Cancer Clinic

One Foot and One Thought at a Time

One foot and one thought at a time. I am strong. I am a warrior and this is not my first battle. And I battle not alone. I stand not alone. Beside me are the women and men who fought before me and fight still. We have been cut, burned and poisoned so that we may stay alive. Cancer has robbed us of more than our health. We walk the path and make our choices, one foot in front of the other; one chosen thought after the other. I am strong and I am restored through the grace of G-d and my own will. What has come upon me does not make me or break me. I am strong. I am a warrior. I am here, I am whole, I am now.

And I Am Blogging!

I have an anniversary coming up. It’s a bad one. On August 6th, 2021, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Fast forward several ugly moments. The night before the surgery that would remove the cancer and both of my breasts, I posted a link to my blog on social media.

Here’s how the blog post started…

It is estimated that 281,550 people will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2021. On August 6th, 2021, I became one of them…. I had been having a series of odd and ominous visions for months and they always left me feeling foggy. (Read post)

Writing Myself Back Into Balance

As I’ve said, I write to release the part of me that is speechless. I write myself back into balance. I write myself free. Free of the burden of carrying a secret. Free of caring what other people think.

One of the first things that hit me after being diagnosed with cancer was the beauty of the people in my life. The amazing support continues to hold me up when I cannot stand on my own. This includes the sweet, supportive comments on my social media posts. I read them before I go into surgery…and I read them prior to each and every round of chemo therapy and Herceptin infusion.

Love is an energy and yours has filled me up. Thank you.

I started this Blog to reach people; people like you. I love to write about spirit connection and speaking the language of intuition. Helping people nourish their insightful side energizes me in no small way. As a child, knowing something about how to access my intuition provided incredible, useful insight for me and saved my life more than once. I love helping people access their natural intuition. 

As our souls expand so too do our intuitive abilities. 

My intuition has been beside me through this chapter of my life. In the months prior to my diagnosis I experienced flashes of my death. Even with all the odd intuitive-alerts I’d been receiving, the actual cause of what I was seeing on the screen in my head either escaped me or was deliberately not presented.

I would have liked to have hit the fast forward button in the story…the story of my soul, but being present is what propels the soul forward. So present I remained.

No one wants to ever be told they have cancer. These are words that break your heart, shatter your hope, and forever change your life and the lives of those you hold most dear.

As I said, I love to write myself back into balance. Today I began putting together some of the more compelling, uplifting things I’ve written and read so that when I am feeling low, I can access them without effort. I thought I would share some of them with you.

You will see some Facebook, twitter, and blog post links, quotes and some humor-infused stuff as well. 

When in doubt…

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Once people learn you have or had breast cancer, plenty of them look immediately at your chest. Even the most conscious, cool people do this. Natural curiosity is the cause I guess. Chances are, I unconsciously did the same thing, prior to my own diagnosis. In an effort to regain a little dignity, I purchased this shirt!

I didn’t write this but I do wear it!

January 19th 2022 Facebook post

TODAY, I completed chemo round 10 and have only 2 more to go!

As I sat down to post this photo, I realized most of my posts are fun and flattering. This photo is neither. The reason I say this is because no matter how you slice it, having chemotherapy and the reasons behind it are not fun. A cancer diagnosis is frightening.

I am blessed with amazing support from family, friends and people like you and am filled with appreciation! And guess what…my prognosis is good!

Nevertheless, I have my down days and sometimes they turn into weeks. I’m working hard to maintain my connection with the light from within by honoring my feelings and finding a safe place to express and explore them.

As I’ve long said, we are all beloved children of the Universe.

So when I walk, I walk with Faith and Grace beside me!


Me and Chemo! Blog post

This is the story of chemotherapy and me.

If you have ever lost hope and found it again…or wish to find it again, this blog post is for you.

I love people sight unseen and have always been pretty good at maintaining my happy or at least neutral even during pandemic times. Don’t get me wrong, I have had my share of blue moments, dark, dark blue in fact. As a result of surviving them, I felt less crushable.

There’s just something about being diagnosed with breast cancer and almost losing my life that set me on a different trail and it wasn’t one I wanted to be on. So I started telling myself a different story.

Here’s a little story about chemotherapy and me. It’s a story about hope, faith and appreciation.

If anyone would’ve suggested five years ago that I would make friends with chemo, I would’ve thought they had been smoking some funny stuff…Here’s more about my crush on chemo!

April 6th, 2022 Facebook post

I’m two months out from completing chemo and two weeks out from my last surgery.

After I was diagnosed with breast cancer the best I could do was remain alert and alive to each moment.

My goal was not to suppress my feelings and emotions, it was to keep moving and stay alive. I pushed on with great care and processed what I could as events unfolded. And I promised myself to come back later to help the rest of me catch up.

I’m in the process of processing and healing.

I feel so much gratitude and appreciation for where I am. And that I am.

You see my world kind of blew up. And when I went to gather the pieces, I noticed there were various significant parts of me missing.

I found I didn’t fit in in some of the places and even in some of the clothes I once treasured.

What’s more, a few of my core beliefs went poof after my cancer diagnoses, which opened me up to a whole new level of other-worldly knowledge.

I observed that I now love even bigger and my heart is more often full. I’m using this experience to narrow things down on my life’s must do list.

All the unfinished chapters in my soul-story now have even more of my attention.

It’s important for me to say, there is nothing gift-like about being diagnosed with cancer. Whatever goodies I glean is a bonus I’ve given to myself.

I’ve had to sacrifice a part of myself to stay alive and though I’m rooted in appreciation for my life, the diagnosis is still new and I still mourn.

Anyone who thinks a strong woman is one who does not show emotion hasn’t met me.

Life gives and takes. It’s what we do with what we get that matters in the end.

Faith and poise accompany me as I move steadily through the transitions that deepen the colors of my soul.

My superpower has always been in my ability to love, and I love bigger now than ever!

April 21st, 2022 Facebook post

My expression when I’m in receiving mode intuitively speaking.

Treating for a cancer diagnosis has allowed me more downtime. And in that time I connect with my higher-soul-self as often as possible.

I’m not in thought. I am connected to how I feel and how the energy around me is communicating through my ability to consciously feel.

Our feelings truly are the wings of our intuition. If you wish to be more insightful learn to move your attention away from what you are thinking and tune into how you are feeling.

You truly are love and light in action!

Self-care baby! And self-care is soul-care! Here’s to everyone taking care of themselves


mind and spirit!

Our feelings are the wings of our intuition. So don’t ask me to mask mine. I won’t do it.

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I am here. I am whole. I am now.

Twitter post July 22nd 2022!

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Today I choose…

Calming the Static From Within Mini-Podcast

I’ve learned new ways to calm the static from within…

It’s time to catch your breath & remember who you are. It’s time to stand up to the dark shadows blowing through your thoughts. Check out my new mini-podcast & calm inner-static from within!

Here’s a mini-podcast all about it! Listen Here!

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Best Self-protection around!

We are all being called upon to shine our brightest light…!

I once wept for the pain in my young life. Now, I weep for the joy in my years long-lived.

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Thank you for reading my blog!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series.

My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores!

-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!


THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon

Endings are Just a Warm Up for New Beginnings

It’s springtime in the Northern Hemisphere and Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.

New beginnings are upon us!

This is an essential time on our planet and managing the recurrent, somewhat wild energy that floats around and within intermittently can be a challenge. So if you are seeking balance, this blog post is for you!


There was an Equinox on March 20th. At the equinox, night and day are thought to be equal in length. The word equinox comes from the Latin word aequus, meaning equal and nox which means night.

The Equinox is about balance and equality.

Everyone counts!

The divine masculine and divine feminine within

We all have feminine and masculine qualities within.

Masculine qualities are, in a nutshell associated with doing…taking action, meaning creating in the outside world. Feminine qualities are associated with being…creating from within and intuition.

Finding balance between the masculine and feminine within is extraordinarily impactful.

The power is within our ability to integrate equality and balance internally

When we are off balance, we fear what our mind is reflecting back to us. When we are in rhythm with our spirit, we fear nothing. When the divine feminine and masculine within are in sync we can be and do with strength and grace.

Our world is filled with magnificence

We live in a beautiful world and I am glad to be alive. The ugly acts of some do not make the rest of us less lovable. As I move through my day and through the process of dealing with a cancer diagnosis I remind myself that the world is beautiful because the love in each of us lights it up.

In the moments where I feel sad and defeated, I get my body moving and fill my mind with thoughts that throw me into neutral or at least slow down the rapid-fire voice of the negative narrator within.

You know, that judgmental voice chatting away, it is the negative narrator and it hails from your unconscious. It’s the little presence that comments, critiques, and criticizes. The positive narrator, while likewise coming from the back of your mind, is connected to your higher-knowing soul-self — which is why it is positive. It “sees” things, and therefore narrates from an elevated perspective.

The narrator narrates based on our interpretation of what is happening. You can regulate the negative and positive narrators through your mood.

That is why I write positive affirmations, inspirational quotes, books, blogs…and well, you get the picture. The content helps me feel good or at least better. As a result, I radiate a happier vibe and am sticky for the good instead of sticky for the icky.

This is where being balanced from within helps us flourish.

We do have the power to magnetize to ourselves the most joy possible and to choose the way we deal with what occurs. And that is a lot of power, but we are not G-d.

It’s what we do with what we get that matters in the end. So whatever you are dealing with, know that the Universe has your back and that you walk with faith and grace beside you. Do things that make you smile. Find something to appreciate at the top of every waking hour and tune into yourself as your vibration steadily rises. The positive narrator will then be the voice you hear whispering in the back of your mind!

Vibration raising tools and techniques

In addition to maintaining a sense of balance, it is highly worthwhile to talk about your feelings. Allow what is weighing you down some air-time. Exercise good boundaries and express yourself!

~When your hurt feels bigger than your heart, inhale, exhale, and release. Then wiggle your wings and fly out of your head and back into your heart.~

Short YouTube Links

Achieving Peace Through Appreciation

Kiss Emotional Overload Goodbye

Be Who You Are, Be Where You Are

TV Segments

Tips for Centering and Calming Yourself

Reduce Stress Through Your Senses

Empaths, Energy and Signs from The Other Side


Calming the Static from Within

White Light Protection Prayer

Four Ways to Focus and Find Your Fabulous

Blog Posts

18 Ways to Elevate Your Mood

Affirmations are a powerful resource. My blog posts are filled with them.

The Upside

Intuition Boosting

The Secret about Your Intuition

Follow Your Heart, Trust Your Gut and Use Your Head (YouTube link)

Turning Up the Intuitive Heat

Know that you are a divinely loved child of the Universe, and the Universe has your back!

Thank you for reading my blog, please follow!

I’m the author of The Happy Medium book series. My books are available on Amazon and in some fabulous book stores! I’m also a contributing author in a new book by Angela Wix titled, The Secret Psychic.

I have some fun events on the horizon so please check out my Events Page!

-Check out my inspirational Mini-podcast!

-Complimentary Intuition-boosting downloads!

-Sign up for my Mailing list & Newsletter!

-I’m on Youtube! Subscribe and see my intuition in action! Follow me on TwitterInstagramLinkedIn, and Facebook!

THE HAPPY MEDIUM® is a trademark of Jodi Livon